February 18, 2021
The Idaho State Board of Education Wednesday adopted recommendations from their Accountability Oversight Committee that could change when Idaho public high school students take the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT), and also remove a college entrance exam as a high school graduation requirement. The schedule for when statewide assessments are administered, as well as the high school graduation requirements, are established in administrative code and must go through the negotiated process to be amended. The process will start in the spring and takes close to a year to complete. The change is based in part on feedback from school superintendents and research indicating that the high school junior year is a better time to measure student proficiency in relation to Idaho’s content standards. The ISAT is required to meet both state and federal accountability requirements.
When the Ink Initiative was passed by the student body in 2016, it included the following language:
“An oversight committee will meet at least two times a year to examine the fee money’s allocation and to produce an annual report to the Chancellor, ASUC, and public. The oversight committee will have no decision making power in how the fee money is spent. Meetings of this committee will be
open to the public and be publicly noticed in The Daily Californian. The committee shall consist of:
All members of The Independent Berkeley Student Publishing Company Inc. Board of Directors. This board is composed of The Daily Cal Editor in Chief, Daily Cal alumni, UC Berkeley faculty, and working news media professionals
the spiritual patchwork that is jerusalem. she shows us another of her favorite spots the abbey of the dual mission it s a catholic monastery. the benedictine monks chant midday prayer at this hour but today is an exception the catholics have some visitors. what was 2 that 2 a row that the it s a group of syriac orthodox christians from outspoken southern germany not a problem in this patient city with its amazing variety of faiths. 2 2 the. butt and the 2 most spends most of her time here a jerusalem is hebrew university. the lutheran world foundation pace has student
the spiritual patchwork that is jerusalem. she shows us another of her favorite spots the abby of the dual mission is a catholic ministry. usually the benedictine monks chant midday prayer at this hour but today is an exception the catholics have some visitors. i. guess. it s a group of syria off the docks christians from outspoken southern germany not a problem in this ancient city but it s an amazing variety of faiths. 2 2 2 and the 2 most spends most of the time here at jerusalem s hebrew university. the lutheran world foundation pays her student fees of $10000.00 euros.
that does not truly a free society. after say, i don t care what your belief is. if your question, atheist, you ve a right to speak out and to have your views respected on college campuses. the university says that the student government is autonomous. it is that correct? don t you guys get money from the university? that is correct. our money comes in student fees. we manage about $1.5 million. okay! i making a legal points. i know dylan is representing you. that is a connection. they can say all they want. we believe in free speech for all people, if an individual has a right to free speech is being denied and if you are being punished for what you believe. i think university is in a heap of legal trouble. i think you are incredibly brav brave. it is not easy.