Clerk on a motion to not disclose the closed session deliberations [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Is there any further business . Clerk that concludes our business for today. Chair mar great. We are adjourned. Take care. Good morning. The meeting will come to order. The december 3rd meeting. I am joined by Committee Member peskin. Committee member haney will be joining us. I would like to thank sfgovtv for staffing this. Do you have announcements. In order to protect the public and City Employees during the Health Emergency the board of supervisors legislative chamber and Committee Room are closed. This is taken pursuant to local state and federal orders and directives. Committee members will attend through video and participate to the same extent as if physically present. Public comment is available for each item on the agenda. Both cable channel 26 and sfgovtv are streaming the call in number on your screen. Your opportunity to spea
Times fail. If you are not speaking, mute your microphone and turn off your video camera. Do not hit controls that may affect other participants. To enable participation sfgov. Tv is broadcasting and streaming live and will receive Public Comment by calling the tollfree number across the bottom. Opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available by calling 18882733658 access code 3107452 speaking pound and pound again. If you are connected and would like to speak or submit your comment hit 1 and then 0 and you will have three minutes and will hear a chime when your time is up. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. Theres a delay on the sfgov. Tv board of by a good 60 to 90 seconds and if youre streaming theres a delay of a good 15 seconds. At this time id like to take roll. Commissioner koppel. Here. Clerk commission chan. Here. Commissioner imperial. Commissioner imperial . You
Welcome to the San Francisco remote hearing for thursday, july 30, 2020. Ill enter into the record the mayor declared a local state of emergency related to covid19. Furthermore the mayor and governor have issued orders making it possible to hold hearings remotely. April 3, 2020 the Planning Commission received orders to rehold remote hearing. Im requesting everyones patience. The platform not perfect and at times fail. If you are not speaking, mute your microphone and turn off your video camera. Do not hit controls that may affect other participants. To enable participation sfgov. Tv is broadcasting and streaming live and will receive Public Comment by calling the tollfree number across the bottom. Opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available by calling 18882733658 access code 3107452 speaking pound and pound again. If you are connected and would like to speak or submit your comment hit 1 and then 0 and you will have three minutes and will hear a chime when you
Rehold remote hearing. Im requesting everyones patience. The platform not perfect and at times fail. If you are not speaking, mute your microphone and turn off your video camera. Do not hit controls that may affect other participants. To enable participation sfgov. Tv is broadcasting and streaming live and will receive Public Comment by calling the tollfree number across the bottom. Opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available by calling 18882733658 access code 3107452 speaking pound and pound again. If you are connected and would like to speak or submit your comment hit 1 and then 0 and you will have three minutes and will hear a chime when your time is up. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. Theres a delay on the sfgov. Tv board of by a good 60 to 90 seconds and if youre streaming theres a delay of a good 15 seconds. At this time id like to take roll. Commissioner koppe
Community push back for the route would it come to the board . My biggest concern was not so much in delegating authority as much as hanging staff out to dry. I feel more comfortable that it comes to the board so the public can hear our reasoning and understand why we support something. I think the com the compromise f allowing the delegation of authorities if it looks controversial but is important enough to pursue that it come back to the board for our input. With those comments i will make a motion to approve if director heminger is happy with that compromise. Staff did make a previous request, if i may. The motion to amend the resolution to establish no left turns except muni between 8 and turk street would delays the pro habbition for you. Do i need a motion to amend first. Yes. Motion to amend. Second. Roll call, please. Director borden. Aye. Bring plan. Aye. Eaken. Aye. Heminger. Aye. The motion to amend is approved. I need a motion on the main motion. Overall package. Motion to