Recipe: Tame tough kale salads with salt massage- Kale salads may be all the rage, but served raw, the sturdy green can be off-puttingly tough. So we looked at its cousin, cabbage, for clues on how to tame the texture without cooking it. Kimchi and sauerkraut recipes use a salt massage to soften.
In Tunisia, partiers and laborers line up during the pre-dawn hours for the same thing steaming bowls of lablabi, a hearty soup of chickpeas and stale bague
Cucina povera, as so much of the cooking in Italy is, too often is translated too literally: poor kitchen. But that’s not a reflection of the food or the people…
In Tunisia, partiers and laborers line up during the pre-dawn hours for the same thing — steaming bowls of lablabi, a hearty soup of chickpeas and stale baguette that tastes