All rIght. WelcOme tO hannIty. N N Beaun beautIful harrIsburg pennsylvanIa. HellO, harrIsburl hag. A massIve crOwd. In just a mInute. FOrmer n In a PresIdent Trump wIll jOIn us fOr an hOur. In part, he wIll answer yOur questIOnsl be. ThInk abOut thIs. In just 13 days, early vOtIng3 s OffIcIally get underway acrOss the KeystOne State In a few daysgrOss just maIl In ballOtsl wIll gO Out In Other states. And wewIt In are Only 61 days fm what I belIeve Is an InflectIOn POInt fO dr the cOuntry thats less than twO mOnths away and thats the 2024 electIOn. The race, accOrdIng tO pOlls, I Is clOse In seven states. The latest Trafalgar POll has dOnalde Ins Trump up by twO In E State Of PennsylvanIa And State cOuld very well decIde the entIre race. NatIOnwIde, the Real Clear POlItIcs Average shOws statIstIcally It Is clOse a tIe In thesE States. MeanwhIle, left leanIng StatIstIcIans SIlver Is gIvIng PresIdent Trump a 58 Chancef Wn Of wInnIng the electOral cOllege. That tIn the O a man frOm trump
After starting 1-3 in Conference A4, Valley Stream North’s softball team pulled itself up by winning four of five to get within a game of .500. The slow start was due in large part a pair …
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La reactivación de ramales forma parte del Plan de Modernización del Transporte impulsado por el Ministerio de Transporte de la Nación.
Luego de 44 años avanza el plan de recuperación del ramal Mitre para que vuelva el tren de pasajeros entre Rosario y Cañada de Gómez. La reactivación de ramales forma parte del Plan de Modernización del Transporte impulsado por el Ministerio de Transporte de la Nación y del acto realizado este miércoles en las instalaciones de la estación del ferrocarril de Cañada de Gómez participaron, entre otros, la vicegobernadora de la Provincia de Santa Fe Alejandra Rodenas, la intendenta de Cañada de Gómez Stella Maris Clerici, el intendente de Roldán José Pedretti, el titular de Trenes Argentinos Martín Marinucci, el Secretario de Transporte de la Nación Diego Guiliano, su par provincial Osvaldo Miatello, el titular de la Unidad Provincial de Gestión Ferroviaria Fernando Rosúa , las diputadas nacionales Vanesa Mas