a strategy shift in the search for flight 370 s black boxes. it s time to go under water. reporter: and possible new evidence. an oil slick in the same vicinity, so we will investigate those to their conclusion. reporter: it s been six days since the last pings were detected in the south indian ocean. searchers believe the pinger batteries are probably dead. so they ve retired the pinger locator and launched bluefin-21. the underwater vehicle will scan the sea floor for wreckage. i would caution you against raising hopes that the deployment of the autonomous underwater vehicle will result in the detection of the aircraft wreckage. it may not. reporter: bluefin is concentrating on a roughly 500 square mile area where the four pings were detected but the process is slow. on its first mission, bluefin will cover only 15 square miles.
new day. let s get it going. republicans in the house of representatives demanded ransom just for doing their job. shutdown struggle. some republicans are pushing for a strategy shift that could end the shutdown as the country starts to feel the pain. why clinical trials for hundreds of sick kids could be on hold until the crisis ends. breaking overnight, a major florida airport closed down and evacuated. a destructive package found. planes grounded. passengers stranded. who is behind it? battle on the road. the shocking video that everyone s talking about. two of the bikers arrested. the family inside the car has been identified. they could face charges, too. your new day starts right now. announcer: this is new day with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. good morning, good morning.
boehner rule is, every dollar in spending, every dollar for the debt ceiling go up has matched by spending cuts. they have backed down from that view, in terms of having a three-month extension, that is because of the polls showing the president has the upper hand on the issue. do you think we are witnessing a strategy shift inside the gop? they have to have a strategy shift, you said that was the key thing that was coming out of the conference. we know that they are probably talking about appealing to minority voters and getting women back on track. isn t that a conference they have in gop meetings every two years? i don t think the conversation that is real. but now it s how to resonate with the constituents they are trying to appeal to. it s a time of rethinking for the republican party. what i was struck by was paul
when you have veterans every single day committing suicide because we ask them to take on our safety and we don t cake care of them. you can t have it both was. you can t turn around and criticize when we could do more. i hate to interrupt. there s a new ad out today. this one it s a positive issues ad about the president. i want to play a clip and talk about it on the other side. take a look, listen to the question. few have faced so many. four years later, our enemies have been brought to justice. our heroes are coming home. assembly lines are humming again. time magazine columnist joe klein wrote earlier this week the president needs to, quote, descend from the mountaintop and make his best case for keeping the job. is this the best strategy shift
strengths and the candidate s strengths is a direction the romney campaign would be smart to go in. jon: the president s campaign talks a lot about the plans for the stronger middle class but this is the middle class that has been suffering under four years of the bum administration. this is why you re seeing sew this argument from so many republicans saying if the party can t win in this environment something is wrong. this environment is a stark one when you look at the numbers about. president carter lost in 1980 the unemployment rate was 7.5%. we re above 8% right now. all the economic indicators are not good for the white house. and i think that s sort of behind the strategy shift right now. the romney campaign realizes they have to shift the ground and they have got to start doing it now and lay the ground for these debates coming up in october which i think will be tremendously crucial to which way this race goes in november. jon: 50 days, just over seven weeks until we decide