The average Social Security benefit for retired workers is $1,548 per month. That comes out to $18,576 in annual benefits for a single person, or $37,152 per year for a couple about $31,500 less.
When Greg Wilson was barely out of high school and at an age when most don't have the future figured out, he knew one thing. He wanted financial security down the road. His next step? Investing in.
The importance of saving for retirement cannot be overstated; fewer and fewer people have pensions today, and the typical Social Security payment is currently around $1,500 per month. While retirees.
It can be intimidating to figure out how to save toward all of your financial goals at the same time, especially when you're trying to pay your regular bills, too. Your paychecks can only stretch so.
Most employers offer some sort of matching contribution or profit-sharing contribution to their employee 401(k) savings plans, but what workers might not know is that those funds are not theirs the.