tucker: two quick questions, one, how do you participate pavement in this you don t know what story corps is, how can you experience it. we just launched one small step. we will be spreading it across the country. come to our website story corps.org back slash one small step one word. we will get in touch with you. we will set up video kiosks across the country. we will connect people remotely which we have never done before. a grand mother in alabama can get to know a grandmother in minnesota. we have beets travel across the country and start talking to each other again. tucker: have you heard maybe more human stories than anybody i have ever met in my life. yeah. tucker: has it made you darker or sunnier as a person. oh my gosh, completely changed you. sadder view of human nature. story corps has made me so much more hopeful. when we started story core, cor, you could say selection bias