Now. Wild swings in the market as coronavirus spreads across the u. S. , but is the virus the only factor. Falling stock prices have lifted dividend yield, some companies are often more than 5 , weve got the nays, and which companies are more attractive after the selloff. On the barrons roundtable tonight been levinson, jack how, we opened last week with three forces moving the market coronavirus, fed, politics. By midday friday look like coronavirus was the only thing standing, then a new force into the picture. So lets get this out of the way, politics is a sideshow here. What we have is a heavyweight battle between two forces. Have a coronavirus which is threatening to make the u. S. Economy grind to a halt. And you have the fed which is trying to make sure people can still get access to money. That they are not going to run other cash they need to keep their business going so the market was out riding with biden when the started customer. And jack how is being played by Sylvester S
Wild swings in the market as coronavirus spreads across the u. S. , but is the virus the only factor. Falling stock prices have lifted dividend yield, some companies are often more than 5 , weve got the nays, and which companies are more attractive after the selloff. On the barrons roundtable tonight been levinson, jack how, we opened last week with three forces moving the market coronavirus, fed, politics. By midday friday look like coronavirus was the only thing standing, then a new force into the picture. So lets get this out of the way, politics is a sideshow here. What we have is a heavyweight battle between two forces. Have a coronavirus which is threatening to make the u. S. Economy grind to a halt. And you have the fed which is trying to make sure people can still get access to money. That they are not going to run other cash they need to keep their business going so the market was out riding with biden when the started customer. And jack how is being played by Sylvester Stallo
Wild swings in the market as coronavirus spreads across the u. S. , but is the virus the only factor. Falling stock prices have lifted dividend yield, some companies are often more than 5 , weve got the nays, and which companies are more attractive after the selloff. On the barrons roundtable tonight been levinson, jack how, we opened last week with three forces moving the market coronavirus, fed, politics. By midday friday look like coronavirus was the only thing standing, then a new force into the picture. So lets get this out of the way, politics is a sideshow here. What we have is a heavyweight battle between two forces. Have a coronavirus which is threatening to make the u. S. Economy grind to a halt. And you have the fed which is trying to make sure people can still get access to money. That they are not going to run other cash they need to keep their business going so the market was out riding with biden when the started customer. And jack how is being played by Sylvester Stallo
A cd you string you want to. Play so you like to see the prices you always stay on see a rolls royce gracie suggests least systemic deception is to late show which would be some real. World government to watch it with. An island a major this is incredible wow look at this i mean from the cold war all the way up into 2002 in the cia along with german told the centrally ran the biggest and Corruption Company in the world giving them access to tons of people of governments foreign governments and businesses and banks. Secret messages that they encrypted this is incredible it is incredible but not surprising i think of this on the vein of this guy is going to always be blue the suns going to always come up in the morning and go down in the evening and stars are always going to be in the galaxies and with all of that were always going to have with the i. A. E. A. That gets information by whatever means necessary and i feel like this is par for the course for what the cia is designed to do a
Law and we are delighted today, to have jim zarin here at the law school to celebrate his book. Plaintiff and chiefs. And we will have the format of our team anthony carl who will ask questions of jim. I would like to just introduce jim. He is fundamentally a trial lawyer. His book flames and chiefs, is he trial lawyer news book. Theres an Opening Statement that theres evidence by category and relevance a sneak closing argument. Jim has always been a superb trial lawyer. We met first in 1968, would we both will criminal prosecutors at the Southern District. Jim about my age arrived about 18 months earlier and he by the time, was already a start litigator and prosecutor. In those days, the prosecutor news office in the Southern District was small about 50 lawyers in the Criminal Division. We wash each other and we learn from each other. And jim was my mentor. He took me out of my first trial. Prosecution of young men letters from a mailbox five of them. I think he was a guilty verdict.