We remember Dick Stoll, legendary Pennsylvania whiskey master distiller, who passed away at 86 and should be considered in the company of the best makers of American whiskey.
Rosen Rye, a historic Pennsylvania rye grain with historic ties to distilling, once went extinct. Now, after a concentrated effort to bring it back, the first bottles of Stoll & Wolfe Straight Keystone Rosen Rye Whiskey come to market.
The Whiskey Of Pennsylvania Is Something To Take Note Of
The Whiskey Of Pennsylvania Is Something To Take Note Of
We know that Kentucky is all that when it comes to bourbon, but when it comes to whiskey history in general, the Bluegrass State is an upstart whippersnapper compared to Pennsylvania. And while corn is bourbon’s bosom buddy, in Pennsylvania, you’ve got to talk rye. The Pennsylvania farmers of the 18th century, the Scots-Irish, the Swiss-German, brought a distilling culture with them from their homelands and made do with the grains that grew best in their new grounds: rye being foundational.