The Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts has announced a spectacular line-up of 11 new shows as part of the 30th anniversary 2022-2023 season. The upcoming season includes concerts by acclaimed artists from Puerto Rico, Haiti, Colombia, and the Canary Islands, tributes to iconic 60s and 70s rock bands and more.
of dr. george tiller and the battle over abortion. mr. singulair, i have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. thanks for coming in. thanks for having me. you write about the fight over abortion in this country as not just a fight, not just a debate, but you describe it as a civil war. why do you choose that term? well, i think that it s just entered so many lives and so many families. in this particular book, i took two families and wanted to show how that war had played out in the lives of the tiller family and the lives of the scott roeder family. and i didn t want to just write a diatribe about abortion, but i wanted to tell a story about it and how this kind of hateful rhetoric or this kind of demonization filters down into individual lives. neither one of these men intended to be involved in this war, or any kind of combat like this. dr. tiller was going to be a dermatologist, that was his plan, but his father died in the early 1970s and he took over his off
fringe begin anymore? where is the line? joining us now for the interview tonight is steven singulair. he is author of the new book the witchta divide: the murder of dr. george tiller and the battle over abortion. mr. singulair, i have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. thanks for coming in. thanks for having me. you write about the fight over abortion in this country as not just a fight, not just a debate, but you describe it as a civil war. why do you choose that term? well, i think that it s just entered so many lives and so many families. in this particular book, i took two families and wanted to show how that war had played out in the lives of the tiller family and the lives of the scott roeder family. and i didn t want to just write a diatribe about abortion, but i wanted to tell a story about it and how this kind of hateful rhetoric or this kind of demonization filters down into individual lives. neither one of these men intended to be involved in this