Buried in the middle of two dozen agenda items before the Town Council on the night of May 19, was an interesting addition: a series of questions raised by Councilor Martha Ball regarding the transparency and forthrightness of the decision by the.
$4.5 million of $10.5 million price added to FTM warrant
Steven Hester and Pat Tengwall Fri, 04/23/2021 - 9:45am
The Town Council voted on April 21 to join three other groups in purchasing the Overlook property on the shore of the Great Salt Pond next to Champlin’s Marina and Resort. The vote was taken in a closed session with the Block Island Land Trust and announced in open session during the regular Council meeting.
The vote was 3-1 in favor, with Councilor Martha Ball recused.
The agreement is contingent on approval of a subdivision for the 6.27 acre parcel (Plat 19 Lot 3) that would create a 4.5 acre lot for open space. The lot is now owned by Overlook Realty, LLC, which in turn is owned by Steven Filippi. The existing Overlook building is not included in the purchase.
Thu, 12/17/2020 - 6:00pm
Despite dire predictions last spring, Block Island Tourism Director Jessica Willi called the results of the tourism season on the island: “A little bit amazing.” The R.I. Department of Revenue has just released its report on collections of hotel taxes and meals and beverage taxes, and on Dec. 16, Willi got the members of the council up to speed at their monthly meeting.
If one had the impression that September was busier on the island than ever, one would be right. The local one percent hotel taxes collected for September, which include rental homes, was actually 54.5 percent higher in 2020 than in 2019, at $39,475.