colleagues up here to start testifying before them. that s right. it is clear we are now at that point. i would also add we are talking about the two republican members who were on this committee continuously at each point of this, we have heard especially from vice chair liz cheney trying to make the moral argument to her republican colleagues that this is not a partisan political moment, it is a moral moment for them to decide what they will do in defense of democracy after a day like january 6th. that hasn t changed many hearts or minds here on the hill so for but that s the claim she s made throughout this. ali, stand by, i want to bring in npr s steve ins keep. we are bringing you on for a whole back story on your interview of former president trump. we have been overtaken by breaking news. thank you for staying with news understood. you understand the ins and
joined now by the man who did that interview, npr s steve ins dpre inskeep from washington and hillary clinton in the general election. steve inskeep, interesting when i listen to president obama use the line he did with you saying democrats need to go everywhere, because usually it s coupled with the fact that he believes he did that when he flan 2008 and 2012. knows he went everywhere in iowa. in fact, he says he did it in 2004 run forge senate in illinois. went to places he said democrats didn t normally go, and the subtext there is that hillary clinton didn t. absolutely. he did not directly criticize hillary clinton in this interview but made some of the points you just did, john. and it s certainly true in 2008, for example, the future president was way out in the far western tip of virginia, which is a very conservative area, a very white area, and he didn t expect to win those counties but