colleague from roll call. good to see you, steve. something else that hillary clinton was asked about joe biden, he is dangling the prospect of a late entry in the presidential race and joe biden made the first public comments about that possibility of what it would take at the point where he could get into the race. let s play the clip from last night. but i have to be honest with you. and everyone who s come to me. i can t look you straight in the eye an say now i know i can do that. this is as honest as i can be. as joe biden in florida last night. what do you make of the possibility of biden getting into the race? it would be a very big uphill fight for him. he is not beating bernie sanders when they poll him and h humiliation risk to enter that race. very good points. i thought he won t get in unless it looks like hillary is pushed out. he is a loyal foot soldier,
police say they have the video. two white men and one black man and a number of other videos obtained of businesses, residents and also street cameras, combining all of those videos creating a timeline. looking for some sort of a commonality and might see the guys moving from video to video to video and find them or at least identify them through facial recognition. they have about 100 leads so far, they re getting tips and leads so the fbi has now joined in creating a tipline here supporting this search effort. also, motorola, $50,000 reward for any tip that leads to the arrest and capture of these three and the funeral for lieutenant is on monday. we just got a briefing. 3,000 to 5,000 people coming to pay their respects. steve in. all right. thank you very much for that. also, moments ago, lawyers for the jailed kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples told reporters their
client has no remorse and is prepared for the consequences. she has no intention to resign. she will continue to serve the people of rowan conty as she has done. she will never violate her conscious and betray her god. she is prepared. it is our position and the position of the clerk of rowan conty kim davis gnat licenses are void and they re not worth the paper that they re written on. nbc s gape gutierrez is outside the detention center in grayson, kentucky. kim davis husband said she doesn t plan to resign or back down. what is next for her? reporter: hi there, steve. good afternoon. her lawyers reiterated that just a few moments ago. they say that they plan to appeal the judge s order holding her in contempt. they republican the appeal that by the end of the day. aalso said they expect kim davis to be in the decent center for at least tuesday and they also said that they re calling on the governor to act and by that they
mean they want the governor to change the form of the marriage licenses to remove kim davis name from those forms. the govern nor s office has said that they do not plan to do that. they don t have the authority to do that. that that would need to be done by the legislature and the legislature doesn t meet until january. lawyers for kim davis said they spoke with her earlier this afternoon. her words to them were all is well. and she s being held in isolation. in this jail. again, kim davis is standing firm. behind her beliefs a and she is not backing down and the lawyers say she considers all the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerks to be invalid. steve? gabe gutierrez, thank you for that report. labor day getaway under way and good news for drivers. the average price for a gallon of gas at the lowest for the holiday weekend since back in 2004 but with an estimated 35
talking about superdelegates so early in time, the risk for that for hillary clinton is that it says to the electret that is already angry with politics as usual that she expects us to be a coronation and people like competition and they want to be able to know that their vote is going to count. steve, one short point here, biden did run in 2008 and didn t make it to the end of the race. he s vice president. hilary was in it in the end and didn t get too far out of the box. so i mean, it s not as if he has a tremendous background that would say yeah, you re the next guy to run for the party let s go with one word answers here. columbus day weekend, is joe biden in the race or not? david? gosh, i would have to bet no but i think it s 50/50 at this point. but you re leaning no, michelle? no columbus day weekend. too soon but his likability numbers are high and i do think he s still going to get into the race. and paul?