colleague from "roll call." >> good to see you, steve. >> something else that hillary clinton was asked about joe biden, he is dangling the prospect of a late entry in the presidential race and joe biden made the first public comments about that possibility of what it would take at the point where he could get into the race. let's play the clip from last night. >> but i have to be honest with you. and everyone who's come to me. i can't look you straight in the eye an say now i know i can do that. this is as honest as i can be. >> as joe biden in florida last night. what do you make of the possibility of biden getting into the race? it would be a very big uphill fight for him. he is not beating bernie sanders when they poll him and h humiliation risk to enter that race. >> very good points. i thought he won't get in unless it looks like hillary is pushed out. he is a loyal foot soldier,