Roses to.
• The John Alden Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, which concluded a two-month donation drive for Shelterhouse.
• The White family of Midland, who raised three Eagle Scouts, with a fourth in progress.
• The Food Center of Sanford and the Elks Club, which donated over 70 food baskets to Sanford flood victims.
• Steve Dombrowski of Midland, who invented a snow shovel lever and began selling them this past week.
• Volunteers from the Women of Michigan Action Network and Mask Up MidlandCounty members ,who donated gifts to more than a dozen nursing units at MidMichigan Health Medical Center - Midland.
Midlander invents shovel attachment to help lift snow
Begins to sell device
Dec. 21, 2020
Inventor and Midland resident Steve Dombrowski demonstrates his shovel lever invention, which takes the heavy lifting out of snow shoveling. Dombrowski, his daughter Stefanie Griffin and nephew Kris Ferguson, worked to sell 100 units on Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020 at Ace Hardware & Sports in Midland. (Ashley Schafer/ SchaferShow MoreShow Less
Inventor and Midland resident Steve Dombrowski demonstrates his shovel lever invention, which takes the heavy lifting out of snow shoveling. Dombrowski, his daughter Stefanie Griffin and nephew Kris Ferguson, worked to sell 100 units on Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020 at Ace Hardware & Sports in Midland. (Ashley Schafer/ SchaferShow MoreShow Less