And to see you cheers and applause stephen chris, paul, matt, mark come on, man, lets do it applause audience Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen. Stephen good to see you. Youre very kind. Audience Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen welcome to the late show. Sit down. Ticktock. Weve got to go. Wooo my goodness what a lovely crowd. What a lovely crowd. Welcome to the late show, everybody. Im just as excited as you are. Im your host, Stephen Colbert. Omd we are live right now from the ed sullivan theater. cheers and applause yeah, were live. Right after Donald Trumps lldress to congress. Now, technically, this was not state of the union because i think in this timeline, the confederacy won. laughter right . Ive never seen this movie before but i think thats how this one ends. Im not sure. We have to get back to the interdimensional portholes as quickly as we can. There was a lot of anticipation tonight. It was a huge evening. And before it even began, cnn trolled the nation with the caption, tr
Again, after arguing with a Company Driver over pay. We begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. Prmr. Speaker, the president f the United States. President trump addresses the nation. We are one people with one destiny, all made by the same god. The president s speech was, dare i say, president ial. Weve seen him break molds as a candidate and as president. He broke the mold by fitting right inside the mold. I feel like tonight donald trump became the president of the United States. Its so divergent from what hes actually doing, hes going to have big trouble. The moment that will stick in everyones mind is that sustained applause for the widow of ryan owens. Ryan died as he lived, a warrior and a hero. Ryans legacy is etched into eternity. There are a lot of people who have a lot of reasons to be mad at him. That was one of the most extraordinary moments we have ever seen in american politics. Tornado deadly tornadoes ripping through the midwest.
Thanks micheal yaki and Tom Delbeccaro moments ago. Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear delivered the democratic response to the president s speech. He touched on the putting americans back to work, the president s cabinet. And obamacare. Here in the bay area communities are reacting to President Trumps latest speech. Kron 4s Charles Clifford is live in San Francisco. He talked with with civil rights leader and former president ial candidate jesse jackson. Also in San Francisco the Muslim Community is reacting to President Trumps address. Kron4s alecia reid joins us live from the uc hastings law campus with more. Because of all the fear that has spread through bay area communities from this new administration, lawyers have been getting bombarded with questions from immigrants a number of bar associations joined forces with the council on American Islamic relations tonight. Theres a room full of lawyers inside the uc hastings law building right now theyre being trained to help immigr
And to see you cheers and applause stephen chris, paul, matt, mark come on, man, lets do it applause audience Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen. Stephen good to see you. Youre very kind. Audience Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen welcome to the late show. Sit down. Ticktock. Weve got to go. Wooo my goodness what a lovely crowd. What a lovely crowd. Welcome to the late show, everybody. Im just as excited as you are. Im your host, Stephen Colbert. Omd we are live right now from the ed sullivan theater. cheers and applause yeah, were live. Right after Donald Trumps lldress to congress. Now, technically, this was not state of the union because i think in this timeline, the confederacy won. laughter right . Ive never seen this movie before but i think thats how this one ends. Im not sure. We have to get back to the interdimensional portholes as quickly as we can. There was a lot of anticipation tonight. It was a huge evening. And before it even began, cnn trolled the nation with the caption, tr
Over pay. The entire showdown was caught on video. But we begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. The president of the United States. President trump addresses the nation. We are one people with one destiny and we all are made by the same god. The president s speech was, dare i say, president ial. Weve seen him break lots of president and he broke the mode by sitting right inside the mode. I feel like tonight donald trump became the president of the United States. Speeches go away very quickly because its so divergent from what hes doing. Hes going to have big trouble. The moment that will stick in mind is the sustained applause for the widow of ryan owens. Ryan died because hes a hero. His legacy is etched into eternity. Theres a lot of people to be mad but that was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen. Tornado. There it is. Tornados ripping through the midwest. Its a disaster. It looks leak a bomb went off. A man with a baseb