community. if there is no story there, it will go away but if there is a story there, i think harris: the names are already on the ballot, if there is no story there, do you stay with your team at this candidate? if you are the republican party, what do you do? i think the republican party stays with this candidate unless he voluntarily takes himself ou out. he claims there is no story there, if he doesn t drop out, he will be on the ballot. harris: how does it work behind the scenes? are they trying to talk to luther strange right now who was the president s pick for that seat? it didn t work out for him, roy moore was the steve bannon pick who formerly worked in the white house, how does it work? obviously, strange was not nominated. harris: do you have him do that right in campaign? right and campaigns are very
talked about these things. you don t turn down what is going on with him? also, if he gets selected, just like the steve bannon pick, and that s trump. trump s guy. that s up to trump. that s a different conversation. but when you re talking about secretary of state, you bring some of the same problems to that position that hillary clinton brought as far as judgment and did he trade in on his experiences to make a lot of money. my reporting is the problem is no one who wants to stop it being bolton or giuliani has been able to come up with a name that has put in trump s head to say, okay, that s a better choice. no one has come up with a name and put it before him. that s stunning. there are several. that s stunning. by the way though, people that really know donald trump say that that s the deal. you just say no to him, that