community. if there is no story there, it will go away but if there is a story there, i think harris: the names are already on the ballot, if there is no story there, do you stay with your team at this candidate? if you are the republican party, what do you do? i think the republican party stays with this candidate unless he voluntarily takes himself ou out. he claims there is no story there, if he doesn t drop out, he will be on the ballot. harris: how does it work behind the scenes? are they trying to talk to luther strange right now who was the president s pick for that seat? it didn t work out for him, roy moore was the steve bannon pick who formerly worked in the white house, how does it work? obviously, strange was not nominated. harris: do you have him do that right in campaign? right and campaigns are very
and he cyber cheated. he didn t cheated. so in her own mind she can make that okay and she gets to keep the money and house and power. stuart: do you have any comment on the psychologist s explanation why the wife is staying? i think there is legislate points but the moral of story is don t marry someone who makes politics the most important aspect of their life. marry somebody that has something else. more important than family and more important than his relationship. stuart: back to you. explain to me why he is not dropping out? that train is moving. he is one of those people that feels like it s just sex, what does that have to do with politics. most of us agree with that. at least he has given us the information. if he doesn t drop out, we don t have to vote for him. let s not vote for him if we think he a liar and cheater and we don t like his
from mitch mcconnell are of concern for a reason. will this hurt your party in november? i think what we re doing is talking about it today and not talking about unemployment number or jobs, we re talking about rape. though it s a terrible thing to talk about it it s like one of the most i can t imagine anything worse for a woman than rape, that s what we re talking about and we re 80-something days away from the campaign. this doesn t help us as we go into our conventions next week. chris, i was going to ask you, does it help the democrats. obviously it does. senator boxer was on made the point of the legislation co-sponsored by the potential vp here, paul ryan, and his close association at least on that legislation with congressman akin. i mean, listen, it hurts the republicans because you have akin becoming a story, if he doesn t drop out, it s something that s going to literally hang around and haunt the republican party to the election, no question about that. especially w
care bill is okay. a few tweaks around the edges but he s basically okay with it. yeah. you re right. and that s fine. we appreciate people who will not change their minds at the last minute when pressure comes down on them which is what bart stupak did when nancy pelosi got him underneath her gavel. let me ask you one more question before we wrap this up. where is your next campaign? who have you targeted next? you had bart stupak in your sites. who is next? who is the next member of congress you are targeting to force out of office? our number one target is harry reid. that s where we kicked off this tour in searchlight, nevada where we had sarah palin as a keynote speaker. i think he s losing on the ballot right now. if he doesn t drop out, you re going to see the tea party defeat him in 2010 november. you set your own standard for success or failure.
conservatives are nothing but racist. i think he could be right and wrong. people don t like the idea of herman cain being championed by racist people, white republican. but on the other hand not all five women can be making crap up. if he does withdraw, then good. if it is true, then he should withdraw. not because it should be everybody s business, but because he is one of the candidates that made his marriage part of the stump speech. if you are going to campaign on your healthy values, you can t screw around with other chicks in the background. if it is not true, he will back down, then that shows he is spineless and nobody wants a leader like that in the white house. interesting point, joe. she basically said he is screwed no matter what. i don t know. i think it would work out to his advantage either way. if he has to drop out, at least everybody knows he is getting a lot of ass. if he doesn t drop out, 999 will be the number of women he will be with. politicians had