ROCKPORT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, a nonprofit corporation, raises money from private sources to improve and enrich the Rockport educational system. Donations are used to support projects in the schools for which
ROAD TO RECOVERY program of the American Cancer Society needs volunteers to drive local cancer patients to and from chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments. Drivers use their own vehicles. Schedule is
MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION DRIVERS are needed by RSVP Volunteers of the North Shore in conjunction with SeniorCare. Volunteers from Gloucester and Rockport are needed for local and out-of-town appointments. Volunteers choose
MONEY MANAGEMENT VOLUNTEERS: SeniorCare Inc. is looking for volunteers for its Massachusetts Money Management Program, to help low-income seniors and people with disabilities manage their daily finances, such as bill
LISA BETH CURCURU MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP has been established. All proceeds go directly to an annual scholarship awarded to a Gloucester High School student. Send donations to: Lisa Beth Curcuru Scholarship