Written by Ryan “Oki” Okinaka, "iHula" is about four women trying to overcome their fears, pride and insecurities to discover the true meaning of the dance. It was first recognized for excellence in writing by the Hawaiʻi State Theatre Council when it debuted at Kumu Kahua Theatre in 2016.
There's nothing like a sibling to shake up the family dynamic. These adorable shots perfectly capture kids' mixed reactions to the arrival of a new baby.
"Nonwhite and Woman: 131 Micro Essays on Being in the World" features the stories of women of color. Here, Mochi shares excerpts from by Asian writers.
Angelina Mercado is the Executive Director of the Hawaiʻi State Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She said her dedication to the issue comes from growing up as a young Puerto Rican girl in New York’s public housing and witnessing the financial struggles of women
Our first list 50 Essential Hawai‘i Books You Should Read in Your Lifetime was one of our most popular stories ever, but it didn’t do justice to our flourishing regional literary scene. So here we go again: More of da kine, only bigger, broader, deeper.