There's nothing like a sibling to shake up the family dynamic. These adorable shots perfectly capture kids' mixed reactions to the arrival of a new baby.
How to tell your kids you smoke weed
Whether you’ve used cannabis for years or plan to now that it’s legal, you’d be smart to prepare for an eventual chat with the kids about it.
It’s 1989. I’m 11, and my dad
is actually growing pot, right next to his crop of tomatoes. We’re having our annual weed talk, to which he adds new details each year, but the key lesson is always delivered the same way, in the post-WWII slang of his childhood: Loose lips sink ships. Tell anyone anyone! that he smokes pot, or even that he thinks it’s OK, and I risk sending him to jail and destroying my family in the process.
11 new baby and kid products our editors are loving this month
From a kid-friendly treatment for winter skin to blue light-blocking glasses that will help protect their eyes during all of that e-learning, parents will love these new baby and kid products coming to stores in 2021.
exciting new toys and clever innovations for baby to tools that help make
raising kids just a little bit easier (and fun!), our editors have selected some of their favourite launches this month.
1. Try-It Kit from Esembly
Photo: Indigo
“I’ll be honest: I was too tired (and too overwhelmed) to attempt cloth diapering when my kids were babies, and I still feel a little guilty about that. But the trendy design and gorgeous bold colours of this starter pack probably would have hooked me. The Try-It Kit from Esembly is available in Canada through Indigo and comes with three absorbent organic cotton inserts, one waterproof diaper cover, a special detergent for washing the inserts, and a wet bag with
30 COVID-safe holiday activities and new traditions to start this year
This year, we all want to find new ways to connect with faraway relatives we’re not allowed to see, and we’re stressing over how to keep the kids busy over school break, too. Here are our ideas. Photo: iStock/Imgorthand
Spending the holidays apart from loved ones won’t be easy this year, after so many months of isolation and social distancing already. But with a little creativity, it’s possible to keep everyone busy. Many of these holiday activities will
1. Do a holiday books version of an Advent calendar: wrap up