Convenience stores are enjoying brisk sales of various winter snacks amid the continued cold weather, according to industry officials Thursday. They say men s favorite choices are steamed buns and fish cakes, while women favor baked sweet potatoes.
mm, that s delicious. the this is the best of my only three coney experiences. you re open 24 hours. yes, sir, 24/7. do you get seriously drunk people trying to eat this? oh, yeah, we have a fun time. is it a skill you learn over time? yeah, it takes practice. it s like kung fu, you practice and practice. exactly. practice makes perfect. that s good. i think i better have another one of these. yeah, you should. i ll be better at it the next time around. one coney up, everything. it seems like a simple thing. hot dog, chili, raw onion, mustard, steamed bun. but the delicate interplay between these ingredients when done right is simymphonic.
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Rejoice in the reunions and usher in the Lunar New Year with auspicious celebrations at Hua Ting Restaurant, The Orchard Cafe and Bar Intermezzo.