was afraid that if we ever met up with the bertolet that we would tell them that he was a stay at home dad. i m like, we would never see them. and while, i couldn t take that chance. then, there was a technical glitch. at one point, my wire wasn t working. how did you know it wasn t working? they called me on the phone. so, you re taking a call in front of herald from the police. yeah, and they told me to get in the bathroom and they would fix it. why are fixed, cam went back to the table. harold, who was never shy about anything launched into a sad story about life without tony. we didn t do much talking. he did. i mean, he cried and said how hard it was and how it was hard to be a mom and dad. but there was one thing harold, who love to talk never said. we never asked him, did you kill her. but he never said i didn t kill her. he would make statements like,