politicsnation tonight s lead, a dangerou precedent. robert right now, the eyes o the nation are on tennessee, o the eve of a vote that may reinstate one of the two democrats expelled from thei seats in the state house las week and tomorrow, a county counselor in nashville wil vote on the next step for on of those vacancies a majority of its members on record saying they will vote t reinstate former state representative justin jones, along with justin pearson, was voted out by republica legislators for protesting gun violence on the state hous floor earlier this month the first time in tennesse history that house members hav been expelled for chamber rule violations we will hear from jones in jus a moment here. just as we heard last nigh from tennessee state representative - johnson, a white democrat wh narrowly escaped her own expulsion. and she pulled no punches in our assessment of why her tw male colleagues did not. of course, along with th racial overtones of thes exposu
out of the supreme court breaking news about this, this drug it is called mifepristone. it is a pale about the size of an aspirin and it is the first of two pills used in the most commo form of abortion here in the united states. it s medication abortion it is safe it is effective. and it is significantly less invasive than a surgical abortion and if you have been following the news, you would know tha, am -appointed federal judge i texas ruled that despite thi drug being used safely for 2 years now, the fda was wrong t approve the drug and his ruling had the potential to take the drug off the market altogether. so, tonight s decision from th supreme court was pretty clear it means this will not happen, at least not yet the supreme court issued wha is known as a stay, meanin they are effectively blockin that texas judges decision while this case is appeale through our court system maybe even all the way back to the supreme court down the roa now, the lower court battle is c
supreme court was pretty clear it means this will not happen, at least not yet the supreme court issued wha is known as a stay, meanin they are effectively blockin that texas judges decision while this case is appeale through our court system maybe even all the way back to the supreme court down the roa now, the lower court battle is complicated and we the, and ma lead to some chaos down th line for mifepristone access and we are going to talk t experts about that in just a moment but for now, for tonight, this drug is still widely available so, on a practical level, that is where we are. the question is, on a lega level, tonight s ruling is als quite interesting. there s a majority of justices who approved tonight s stay. but at least two did not that s justice clarence thomas said that he would have denied this day he did not explain why it was just a single line in this ruling that says he disagrees. and justice samuel alito wrote a full dissent, we are going t ask our e
really happy to have yo here at 10:13 am today, 10:1 a.m., exactly, kids in nashville tennessee all walked out of their classes look at that 10:13 is when the first 9-1- calls started coming into th police department when we coul go today one week last week when th shooting unfolded at the covenant school. an elementary school in that city police today said that in th roughly 14 minutes that it too for that school shooting t relapse, the shooter fired 126 rifle rounds and 26 rounds fro a handgun. hundred and 52 rounds al together in 14 minutes to honor the three little kids and the three school staff who were murdered in their school, monday last week, and to deman legal change to stop gun violence, literally thousand of tennessee students walked out of their classes today and in some schools, they left their classrooms and the rallied outside their school that opened in a whole bunch o different schools in tennessee at some schools today, they sa a walk in instead of a wal
regularly schedule programming. they left a lights on, they lifted dogs by the way dogs? tonight, how the murdoc monopoly seated trust to trump and how we re all paying for it then, she is the face of the republican party congress. personal inquiry, point o personal inquiry there s no such thing tonight, new reporting on how marjorie taylor greene i helping to fund vulnerable house republicans. in my interview with a freshma democrat, using social media t expose the truth about congress most of the really angr voices in congress are totally faking it. and as a supreme cour delays action on abortion pill ruling, senator tammy duckwort on the republican vote to en abortion care at the va. we re going to vote t overturn the veterans affair department s new abortio policy when all in starts, right now. good evening from new york, i chris hayes. fox news has settled the defamation suit brought agains them by dominion votin systems. but the underlying problem,