Eyewitness Merely because there are certain lacunae in the investigation, it cannot be a ground to disbelieve the testimony of eye-witnesses. (Para 47) Madan v. State of Uttar Pradesh, 2023.
Exclusive for Subscribers from Monday to Friday: How are Inheritance tax and Rwanda bill relevant to the UPSC Exam? What significance do topics like illegal forex trading and VVPAT have for the preliminary and main exams? You can learn more by reading the Indian Express UPSC Key for April 25, 2024.
University Grant Commission (UGC) regulations are typically obligatory for statutory universities in India. Statutory universities are established by an act of parliament or state legislature, and.
Exclusive for Subscribers from Monday to Friday: How are abortion laws and heat waves relevant to the UPSC Exam? What significance do topics like plastic treaty and semiconductors have for the preliminary and main exams? You can learn more by reading the Indian Express UPSC Key for April 23, 2024.