The Drugs Rules, 1945 were amended providing that any person who sells or distributes any drug shall be responsible for the quality of that drug as well as other regulatory compliances along with the.
<br>A total of 81,329 drug samples were tested in 2019-20 out of which 2497 samples were declared as not being of standard quality and 199 were declared
The Drugs Rules, 1945 were amended providing that any person who sells or distributes any drug shall be responsible for the quality of that drug as well as other regulatory compliances along with the manufacturer under these rules. Gambia Cough Syrup Deaths: 462 Medicine Samples Declared Spurious During 2019–21.
While the authorities have swung into action and ordered a detailed investigation into the cough syrups produced and exported to Gambia by an Indian company, government data revealed that 384 persons were arrested after 462 samples of medicines .