possibly say that. she wasn t interviewed by the arb. she appeared before one house committee and one senate committee and you and i have followed congress enough tow. the arb being the state department review board. i m just making that clear. that s right. and they didn t even bother to interview her. then you had the house and the senate where she made a single appearance. but you have five minutes and, frankly, they re not the best questioners in the world. so i don t think it s asking too much that she do what she says she s going to do, which is come before congress and answer all the questions that we have with respect to the security profile, the pendency of the attacks and the administration response in the aftermath. ultimately it will be you and our fellow citizens to judge whether our questions are fair and appropriate or whether or not they re duplicative of other questions that have been asked and answered. the chairman on the committee
the state department review board found that there were tremendous gaps in the intelligence. is the cia trying to cover it. we also now know that one of the two facilities attacked was a cia annex and what role did that have in the attacks and what the security situation was in this compound are questions that have not been asked publicly by republicans on the hill and we don t have answers to those. is this certainly something more stemming from interagency issues going back and forth about what could be talked about? we know that petraeus got on the record saying what are we talking about? what this document dump showed is that the cia was much more involved than we believed. the senior administration officials stressed that the talking points were changed even quite a bit within the cia before they got to the other agencies and before they got to the white house even. i think david raises a lot of
greta: how do people who think this is an important topic or many important topics, how do they convince those who say, well, it s just political? how do they convince people that these things really matter in. the most important point is remembering that with four dead americans on september 11, other official americans and american private citizens throughout the middle-east remain at risk. until we fully understand as a nation what happened on september 11, we can t possibly take adequate steps or formulate policies to protect americans who might be at risk. i have never seen this as political. maybe that s just because i used to work in the state department and see the risk that that our people have all around the world. but the notion that you can passively wait for an internal state department review board or passively wait for an investigation this the cia
benghazi. and a question asked then was where is hillary clinton? this is her mission in libya, it was her ambassador who was killed, along with three others, why wasn t she on television answering these questions? now, why is her testimony not until mid december, early december? i think for some time now she s been waiting for this internal state department review board to complete its work and she wants to wait for that to come out and digest it and that may be her new line of defense. it s been i d have to say a very successful tactical effort by the secretary of state to avoid the spotlight. gregg: ambassador, secretary clinton is in charge of the diplomats, and the diplomats in benghazi were begging not only for greater protection before the attack, but then, of course, you know, their cia operatives were begging for help during the
is a great honor at the same time, clearly. shepard: no doubt. jonathan, thank you. secretary of state, hillary clinton has asked lawmakers to delay making a conclusion on the deadly attack in libya unless and until the state department review board finishes their work which could be after the election. she wrote a letter to the house of representatives oversight chairman to pledge the state department will give full cooperation on investigating the attack. the review board does not have to submit the findings until 60 days after the first meeting, so that is after the election day. the letter was in response to the congressman s claims the state department turned down requests do more security in the lead up to benghazi attack that killed four americans including the ambassador. catherine has been following this story and is like in washington, dc. what are you learning? reporter: congressional investigators are gathering evidence with 60 reported warnings after the consulate best a