possibly say that. she wasn't interviewed by the arb. she appeared before one house committee and one senate committee and you and i have followed congress enough tow. >> the arb being the state department review board. i'm just making that clear. >> that's right. and they didn't even bother to interview her. then you had the house and the senate where she made a single appearance. but you have five minutes and, frankly, they're not the best questioners in the world. so i don't think it's asking too much that she do what she says she's going to do, which is come before congress and answer all the questions that we have with respect to the security profile, the pendency of the attacks and the administration response in the aftermath. ultimately it will be you and our fellow citizens to judge whether our questions are fair and appropriate or whether or not they're duplicative of other questions that have been asked and answered. >> the chairman on the committee