The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday conducted searches at 15 locations in Uttar Pradesh s Prayagraj as part of its ongoing money laundering investigation against gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmad and those linked to him, sources said. Uttar Pradesh: ED Raids 15 Locations in Prayagraj Against Jailed Gangster-Turned-Politician Atiq Ahmad.
Out of the five accused, Kaish Ahmed was working as a driver with Atique Ahmed s family for the last 16 years, police said. The two men allegedly linked to Umesh Pal s murder have been killed in encounters with Uttar Pradesh Police. Vijay Chowdhary alias Usman was killed in the encounter that took place in Kaundhiyara in Prayagraj. Umesh Pal Murder Case: Gangster Atique Ahmed to Be Produced in Prayagraj s MP MLA Court on March 28.