Summing up his experience with the trade unions, one worker told the WSWS, “Earlier I thought only management and governments are against us, but now, I realize our union joined them long ago.”
The struggle for Permanent Revolution in South Asia
, the
n section of the International Committee of the Fourth International
. He has written extensively on the politics of the Indian subcontinent and on the national question in Sri Lanka.
He made these remarks and the
Dear Comrades,
The COVID-19 pandemic is surging in South Asia, bringing deadly consequences for nearly the 1.9 billion inhabitants in the region.
By May Day last year there were about 50,000 coronavirus cases and nearly 2,000 deaths from the pandemic in South Asia. Within one year, the number of infections has increased to a staggering 19 million and more, an increase by 380 times, with over 230,000 deaths, an increase by 115 times.
International protests support Indian farmers’ agitation against Modi’s pro-agribusiness laws
Over the past seven weeks, there have been widespread international protests, including in the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, in support of the now 45-day-long agitation Indian farmers are mounting against the Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government’s pro-agribusiness laws.
In September, the Hindu supremacist BJP rammed through parliament three pro-corporate farm laws, as well as a labour “reform” that illegalizes most worker job action, promotes precarious contract labour jobs, and empowers large companies to lay off workers at will.
The Dec. 20 protest in Troy, Michigan. (Source: WSWS)