Good afternoon. Id like to call to order the regular meeting of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. This day is tuesday, february 11, 2020. Roll call, please. [ roll call ]. Before you have the minutes of three meetings, we will take them individually. The first, january 23, are there any additions or corrections to the minutes . Move approval. Second. Any Public Comment on the minutes of 23 of january . Hearing none, all those in favor . Aye. Opposed. The motion carries. Secondly, the january 28 minutes of the regular meeting. Are there any additions or corrections . Second. Public comment on the minutes of january 28. All in favour . Aye. Opposed . The motion carries. Lastly, the minutes of january 30, which was the special Budget Hearing number four. Any additions or corrections . Move to approve. Second. Public comment on the minutes of january 30. All in favour . Aye. Opposed. The motion carries. Next item, please. Item 4 is general Public Comment. Members of the public
Appear on the january 28 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much. Madam clergyman, can you call item 1 and 2. Clerk resolution approving the issuance of up to an additional 3,000,000,000 aggregate Principal Amount of San Francisco International Airport second series Revenue Bonds to finance and refinance airport capital plan projects; and item 2 ordinance appropriating 3,888,069,311 of proceeds from the sale of Revenue Bonds or commercial paper for Capital Improvement projects to the Airport Commission for fy20192020; and placing 3,888,069,311 on controllers reserve. Thank you, madam clerk. I think we have Cathy Widener from the airport joining us today. There has been a request to continue this item for one week, but i think well have the presentation for today. So if you wouldnt mind, ms. Widener, and we will hear from the b. L. A. Good morning. Cathy widener with the San Francisco International Airport. The two bond items for consideration before you
Largest salt producing region in the country. We are on top of a trapped ancient sea, a 600 millionyearold source. This has been dissolved by a freshwater aquifer which means it runs under us like a salty river. This was pushing up in springs and places, which is how it was discovered, mainly by large animals. Deer and elk and buffalo were here. Native americans came for hunting and gathering salt for themselves, and as european settlers moved west across Allegheny Mountains they found this valuable source of salt, which we take for granted today, how important salt was before refrigeration. The salt industry really started to grow in the early 1800s. The ruffner family, the dickinsons, really started to grow this industry. And it was an industry that grew on the backs of slaves. Valley was one of the largest industrial slave uses in the country, like many other industries. There were over slaves in the 5000 valley and 250 on the property alone. By the 1840s we were the largest salt ma
Plans, and i will be returning to the capital plan and the twoyear Capital Budget. So we covered these in great detail over our multiple public hearings. Im just recapping them before we return them to you to consider them for voting. So the tenyear capital plan and the twoyear budget development, youll remember that i talked about the planning framework of prop e that requires tenyear capital plans. The first two years of the capital plan form the budget request. This is the First Capital plan for cleanpowersf, really focusing on local build. And we went through a new quality review process with all of our capital plan submittals. Amongst the three oh, sorry. Amongst the three enterprises, you can see that waste water represents the largest share of the 9 billion capital over the next ten years, which is why its driving, and projecting the future bill. Here is the tenyear capital plan compared to last year. There was an increase of will 4 , largely because of hetchy water and power, a
The Youth Commission. We have to give them credit with this and mix this with matt hainey. This city should be ashamed of themselves, that the fbi, a federal agency had to come in and teach all of us, all of us that we have to checks and balances. And so we have a Sunshine Task force that totally doesnt work. The Ethics Commission totally doesnt work and the Controllers Office has a gun to their head with people telling him what to do and what not to do. Since 2014, i wont do the research and tell you the City Attorney hasnt been doing their job and so, corruption in this city and county of San Francisco has reached a saturation point, where millions and millions and millions of dollars are wasted. And you know, when the Youth Commission needs Something Like a couple of thousand dollars oh, you know, this and you know that. They should have, like, a Million Dollars. You are the future. We need the money. Without the money, you cant have the honey. So im saying you all dont do Due Dilig