First United Bank, Child Care Bank and Bremer Bank's donations were matched by the Federal Home Loan Bank Member Impact Fund at three dollars for every one dollar donated.
For those who live in northeastern North Dakota, the list of reasons why they chose to live here would fly off the cuff with little to no preparation needed. However, someone who has not experienced what makes this region special might take a little more convincing. That is where Real. Good.comes in. Stacie Sevigny,
“In all the years that we’ve been here, I would have never thought in 100 million years we’d ever have to close up half the restaurant,” said Thompson.
According to recent business surveys completed by the Red River Regional Council, the region will need upwards of 1,000 new employees in manufacturing, healthcare, education and small businesses over the next five years. The goal of the new initiative is to address this need by creating a marketing strategy to promote rural northeastern North Dakota as a quality place to live, work and play.