There s a bigger picture behind product sensory experiences encompassing sustainability, personalization, inclusivity and multisensory input potentially powered by AI. These are revealed by industry experts and Future Market Insights, described here.
Increased attention has been focused on the objective evaluation of personal care products to improve their performance and to fulfill the requirements in legislation demanding proof of certain product claims. Advances in personal care products consist of a succession of small improvements.
The crispiness of snack foods creates a distinct sound when the snack is bitten or chewed, making the overall experience more interesting and enjoyable.
Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a common condition affecting people of all ages. It can have serious consequences such as malnutrition, dehydration, and aspiration pneumonia. The ability to swallow safely and effectively is essential for maintaining good health and quality of life.
With the popularity of fitness trackers, smartwatches, and other health monitoring and entertainment gadgets, wearable technologies have soared in recent years. The need for innovative materials that are accurate data collectors and transmitters, lightweight, tough, and comfortable to wear for extended periods of time is growing along with the demand for wearable technology