The Delhi government had on Saturday deregistered more than one lakh 10-year-old diesel vehicles, leaving their owners with options of either retrofitting them with electric kits or selling them in other states after getting a no-objection certificate.
New Delhi, January 1
Over one lakh 10-year-old diesel vehicles were deregistered by the Delhi government on Saturday, leaving their owners with options of either retrofitting them with electric kits
The bodies were extricated from the rubble after a search of more than four hours
Kalyan MP Srikant Shinde said kin of the deceased will be paid a compensation of Rs 5 lakh each
Ulhasnagar: At least five persons, including two women, were killed after slabs of an illegal residential building located in Ulhasnagar township in Thane district of Maharashtra collapsed on Saturday (May 15), officials said, adding 11 people have been rescued.
A search is on for a woman resident of the building who is missing, said Santosh Kadam, chief of the regional disaster management cell of the Thane Municipal Corporation.