The Delhi High Court on Friday reserved its order on the plea challenging the extradition proceedings initiated against a person of Indian origin, who is also a Portuguese Citizen, in a case of rape at a London pub in 2017.
The petitioner in the politically-sensitive three-and-a-half-decade old Bofors scam case, Ajay Kumar Agarwal, has claimed that he received death threat from unknown persons for seeking an early hearing in the special leave petition filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in 2018.
The petitioner in the politically-sensitive three-and-a-half-decade old Bofors scam case, Ajay Kumar Agarwal, has claimed that he received death threat from unknown persons for seeking an early hearing in the special leave petition filed by the .
The petitioner in the politically-sensitive three-and-a-half-decade old Bofors scam case has knocked the doors of the apex court seeking an early hearing in the Special Leave Petition filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in .