Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, born at Madurai in Tamil Nadu, also watched the Sri Rama Keerthana recitation, Kamba Ramayana Upanyasam and ‘Pancharathna Keerthana at Sri Kamakshi Amman Temple in Kanchipuram, ahead of the Pran Prathisththa ceremony. Artistes rendered keerthanas of composers such as Thyagaraja, Sadasiva Brahmendra, Arunachala Kavi, Bhadrachala Ramadasu, Annamacharya and Purandara Dasa, as well as verses from the epic Silappathikaram.
The Supreme Court allowed the live telecast of the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya, preventing a potential showdown between DMK and BJP cadres in Tamil Nadu. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and BJP State President K Annamalai accused the MK Stalin administration of trying to impede the live screening of rituals and poojas at local temples.