India on Tuesday denied rumors circulating in sections of media and social media that certain Sri Lankan political persons and their families have fled to India.
Newspaper editorials accused the Sri Lankan government – particularly the Rajapaksas – of trying to violently suppress protests instead of responding to people's demands.
KUALA LUMPUR, May 10 Malaysia’s High Commission in Sri Lanka has advised Malaysians residing in the island nation to be cautious and always adhere to the rules and regulations there following the ongoing economic crisis and security situation in that country. In an email interview with.
Sri Lanka crisis: Ex-PM Mahinda Rajapaksa and family seek refuge at a naval base - On Monday, anti-government protesters gathered at Temple Trees and attempted to force their way inside after Rajapaksa announced his resignation.
Protesters today blocked entry to the airport in Sri Lanka to bar lawmakers from leaving the country following a spree of violent protests across the island nation.