Chenchu Krishna was arrested by the Nellore Police for stalking and attempting to kill a minor girl who had rejected his love. He is an auto driver and tried to slit the minor girl’s throat on Monday. The girl is hospitalised and said to be out of danger.
HEDI EL KHOLTI: A lot of the obituaries written about Sylvère expressed the notion that he didn’t write a lot, or enough that he regretted not having written The Book. McKenzie Wark, in her beautiful obituary for New Left Review, talked about Sylvère having written other writers instead. I love the sentiment, but I almost want to disagree. As I was reorganizing my bookshelf this week, I kept finding things Sylvère wrote. Just stumbling on them. There’s one in the 1997 ArtCenter publication Asteroid Impaired, called “Ball of Fat,” that riffs on the Maupassant story “Boule de Suif.” It starts like
Delhi: Woman arrested for chopping off genitals of boyfriend
Delhi: Woman arrested for chopping off genitals of boyfriend
Police On Sunday Arrested A 23-year-old Woman Who Allegedly Chopped Off The Genitals Of Her Boyfriend After He Refused To Marry Her. PTI | Updated on: 26 Jun 2017, 12:12:50 PM
New Delhi:
Police on Sunday arrested a 23-year-old woman who allegedly chopped off the genitals of her boyfriend after he refused to marry her.
Ravi (35), a street vendor, was allegedly attacked at his girlfriend’s house in outer Delhi’s Mangolpuri late on Wednesday, where he was called by her relative, police said.
When he reached their home, his girlfriend of four years, broached the topic of marriage. However, Ravi refused, saying his family was against it.