Just now notifying potential victims. Having your credit card stolen is intrusive and annoying. Having your Social Security number stolen can be much worse. Credit card numbers can sell for as low as one dollar and the black market while Social Security numbers go for around 10. They believe the numbers were not compromised in this data breach. They are bound to happen more often the matter the size of the company. The malware could have been sitting on the network all this time just eavesdropping on transactions and credit cards. A rosen hotel spokesperson declined the on camera interview. They said additional enhanced security measures have been put they have a hotline you can call if you have any questions about this data breach. We have posted information on our website. Anchor naked and under arrest. That he say this man a convicted sex offender decided to bear it all when he walked through a neighborhood where children live. They talk to people who live there and they say this is
For free. I like it, look how hunky these guys are. Then i went to the Naval Air Station in pensacola. Those guys were my hunky, hunky bodyguards. They were fun. So nice. So thanks to everybody for coming around. You went to vegas, baby. I did go to vegas. Im going to be doing a story on Lionel Ritchie later in the week but it was so fun. Joel came. He still does such a great show. His concerts are great. You couldnt hardly hear him half the time because everybody was singing. But this song isnt one of his most, most popular but its great. Its called oh, no. I cant sleep anymore, baby, oh, no, no, im going crazy in love. Over you. [ cheers and applause ] ritchie. He has the head it was like a big screen and hes playing down here. Well, i look better that way. Do that again, ill show you. [ laughter ] i look much better that way. I look like the flying nun in this dress. No, you dont. Can i say there were some fun fans and people decked out in like 80s gear and whatever and this whole b
As it happens those who owe their birth to a sperm donor the internet and new sense of openness are to solve the mystery. Mark strassmann will report our cover story. This is probably the most unusual Family Reunion youll ever see. Many of these brothers and sisters have never actually met each other before. Their father. Sperm donor no. 2053. How many potential kids are out there from a single donor . We know of group that somewhere around 200. The new way defining family. Ahead on sunday morning. Osgood we have questions this morning from norman lear the veteran tv producer who retiring. Norman lear the man behind some of tvs most Ground Breaking sitcoms is 93 years old. And still at it. I am clearly older than a lot of people. But am i old, not yet. Norman lear still stretching himself at 93. Later on sunday morning. Good. Osgood introducing Rhiannon Giddens the singer from North Carolina whose frame is spreading far and wide. Martha teichner will do the honors. Rhiannon giddens was
Unusual Family Reunion youll ever see. Many of these brothers and sisters have never actually met each other before. Some of them have never met their father. Sperm donor no. 2053. How many potential kids are out there from a single donor . We know of group that somewhere around 200. The new way defining family. Ahead on sunday morning. Osgood we have questions this morning from norman lear the veteran tv producer who appears to have no thoughts of retiring. Hes talking with mo rocca. Norman lear the man behind some of tvs most Ground Breaking sitcoms is 93 years old. And still at it. I am clearly older than a lot but am i old,ot yet. Norman lear still stretching himself at 93. Later on sunday morning. Good. Osgood introducing Rhiannon Giddens the singer from North Carolina whose frame is spreading far and wide. Martha teichner will do the honors. Rhiannon giddens was already a grammy winner. But then legendary record producer offered to put out her first solo album. What exactly has t
The new way defining family. Ahead on sunday morning. Osgood we have questions this morning from norman lear the veteran tv producer who appears to have no thoughts of retiring. Hes talking with mo rocca. Norman lear the man behind some of tvs most Ground Breaking sitcoms is 93 years old. And still at it. I am clearly older than a lot of people. But am i old, not yet. Norman lear still stretching himself at 93. Later on sunday morning. Good. Osgood introducing Rhiannon Giddens the singer from North Carolina whose frame is spreading far and wide. Martha teichner will do the Rhiannon Giddens was already a grammy winner. But then legendary record producer offered to put out her first solo album. What exactly has tborn burnett done for you . Pushing. Ahead this sunday morning the rise of Rhiannon Giddens. Osgood up, up and away could be the motto of the folks who fly the Goodyear Blimps. After many years in service they are being replaced by a new class of air ship. Lee cowan will take us