Maine Yankee might or might not end up paying Wiscasset as much as the town has decided. Selectmen Sept. 13 passed new property valuations for the ex-nuclear plant. Sept. 14, Maine Yankee’s longtime spokesman Eric Howes confirmed in a phone.
Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel Meeting The 2023 meeting of the Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Removal will be from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Thursday September 21st at the Montsweag Restaurant on Route 1 in.
The 202 2 meeting of the Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Spent Nuclear Fuel Sto r age and Removal will be fr om 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 24 at Montswea g Restaurant on Rout e 1 in W oolwich . P lease park in the north side parking area and.
The 202 2 meeting of the Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Spent Nuclear Fuel Sto r age and Removal will be fr om 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 24 at Montswea g Restaurant on Rout e 1 in W oolwich . P lease park in the north side parking area and.