party. i think he has actually more - to the boards house republican that he does towards democrats these days i think he has always run tight ship he knows when to get thing done he is very concerned about ukraine and national security. i think that he has an overwhelming amount of contemp for not only kevin mccarth specifically, who can t get hi ducks in a row, but for th crazies over there who can t decide what they want to do. who acted during the speec from president zelenskyy, an ukraine, and are running aroun with their heads cut off so i think that for mr mcconnell, welcome to i don t know how to interpre his belated awakening. at least he s come around to the view that perhaps would help the republica party. perhaps it will let s put our attention on the house for a second, joe, where you served there are six people, at the moment, running against kevi
cancellations comparatively to yesterday, but it is still a widespread impact. several efforts continue t de-ice planes. we just learned from new york governor kathy hochul th buffalo s airport will remai closed through monday, aroun 11 a.m.. so we are seeing this range of emotions from people here at the philadelphia airport understandably so many peopl frustrated, wanting to be with their families i will say, by and large people are keeping the speec pretty mary. take a listen. i don t care what time i ge in, today i just want to see - is it, but i think it is prett good, and the people at delta, the moral there is very good for what they are goin through. and they are doing a good jo trying to help us. okay, so if your flight was disrupted, a few things to kee in mind. first, you want to try perhaps the airlines international hotline,, so you are not i
words and examples of american battles or the battle of the bulge and battle saratoga, tha were designed to appeal to american patriots and designed to compare what ukraine is fighting and one america thought of the revolutionary war. so, the americans where th audience, but you tweete something that i was thinkin as i was watching that speech. this could have been a speec for an audience of one there was one person who was watching that speech you mus have heeded it, and that was vladimir putin oh, we do hope that he wa watching and we do hope that he hated it because what he has seen i that it was a really histori speech, and it was a really eg maddox speech. and if hitler would have see that speech by churchill, he would probably also hate it. because he would know that i was the beginning of his and so, we are looking forward t any tiny hint of something tha could say, this is the turning point in the war this is the turning point in
look, there was a first phase. trump gives a speech at th ellipse, he s telling the crowd, let s take back our countr from an election stolen. you have to fight like hell. when you catch someone in fraud, you can go by different rules. he says all of that. at the very same time, the proud boys were attacking th capitol. that was phase one what the report says is th d.c. police were able to fight that back. the problem was, trump s speec at the ellipse induced doe thousands of people to march from the ellipse, to the capital, overwhelming th police resources at the capitol. that timing, and the way the did it, with such methodical step-by-step proof, i think, i enormously important project myth the other thing i would say, i you start to read through thes transcripts that, very striking, is i have never seen so many people forget so much. i mean, a stone or conventio
you know, i love my god, like like the . oh, but the threat is the proud boys and qanon on charlie kirk is the founder and president of turning point usa. he joins us tonight. thanks so muchhank.r jo for coming on . whis was clearly organized. a lot of the signs were p preprinted. who were theseeopl people? goo do you know?questi it s a gooond question.if i wonder if they re paid, why they were spending their evenings to protest me and our turning point. us a chapter just to talk about the u.s. constitution consh. eech.of speec it s really interesting wheningy you try to show up on a college campus and do an optional voluntary event, how angry the other side gets. a but this is a very important moment for people to recognize and understand that the other