the fundamental respect for the right of people to express different views that are occurring today. we have seen it on college campuses. we believe free speech is a civil right in the department of justice will not stand idly by. the federal right to be constricted by unwise activitie activities, limiting speech. just as important to me as a first amendment, is also the fifth amendment of the constitution, prohibiting the government from depriving people the property without due process. i am concerned that the practice of civil asset forfeiture is increasingly threatening rights guaranteed under the fifth amendment to every american. while forfeiture can be important to law enforcement, it has been abused. throughout the country, a number of cases with civil asset forfeiture has been use to
i want to say, i appreciate the congressman s right, free speec speech. that is my response. that is my response. thank you mr. chairman and mr. attorney general. thank you for your service for your country. much has been said in recent months about the aggressive agenda of hostile foreign actors to undermine the democratic process as we talked a lot about today. the american people are rightfully concerned about the subversive efforts, because it is against our public policy and elections, at least the agenda. it has been seven years since congress first enacted the fort agents registration, to keep track of outside influences. as you know, that law had political disclosure for any lobbying groups that work and have a foreign interest rate there advocacy and activity
understand at the most fundamental level, the first amendment allows the thee exercise. it does not just like to think what you think i might meet in a closet and never express yourself. it allows the free exercise, and i think to a degree, we have not respected that in recent years, in our opinion is based on the law. we believe it is based on the constitution, to ensure the agencies of our government know what the fundamental principles are when the issue regulations and site people for wrongdoing. what can congress do to protect the first amendment and religious freedoms? we have religious liberty in the first amendment, speech. i think it is time for us to take seriously the erosion of
life time. i think the president deserves enormous credit for the way he approached it and the way he thought it through. for the precision of what he said. there are 10 or 12 key essentials with the speec .. powerful, more capable and more likely to win. sean: rules of engagement, not telegraphing, letting the generals and troops on the ground make the decision. i want to get into the list when we come back and talk about what happens every two to four years. we ll continue this busy breaking news night. ..
the white working class and a bunch of different ways by calling them deplorable. this is a group whose life expectancy is declining, massive high rates of opiate addiction seek to make the case that she s hurting them physically. would you have banned her speec speech? i think that would be a great test case if we pass legislation that recognized the harms of hate speech, a protected categories. that would surely be a case that could be made. spoon what s a protected category? race, for example. the kind of things that we protect spread spoon but what do you think? as a legal scholar you argue that some speech should be banned. with that speech be banned? would you ban it? the statute would have to be written in a content neutral kind of way and then somebody would have to complain about the speech and then somebody would have to be subject to a lawsuit. criminal, civil, could be a ticket, like a speeding ticket kind of thing and then there