physical embodiment of america institutions. when he murdered george floyd h was doing to one man what our country has done to all african-americans. many people told us this including joe biden. i just want to say a few words about the horrific killin of george floyd in minnesota, but it sends a clear message to the black community, black live that are under threat every single day. they speak to a nation where too often, just the color of your skin put your life at risk. george floyd s last words spoke to a nation were the colo of your skin dictates the safet and your future. i am a white man. i think i understand, but i can t feel it. george floyd murdered becaus he was black, that s what they told us, they demanded that we believe that and if you doubted it in anyway, if you had any questions about the facts of th case, you were effectively as guilty as the racist cop who killed george floyd. one theology teacher learned what that lesson the hard way during a vir
speec speeches about democracy in ukraine. we are there supporting them on a military basis and supporting their soldiers for the reason that i believe, if vladimir putin overran ukraine it wouldn t be long before the russian military crossed the border where our men and women in uniform would be called upon to go and fight. to me, making that clear that that s our national interest here and also giving the ukrainians what they need to repel the russian invasion is the best way to send a message to china that america s the leader of the free world and we re not going to tolerate either russia or china should they attempt to do so to re-draw international lines by force. this is all about america being the leader of the free world and if i m president of the united states we will lead from american strength. before i let you go, you have not qualified for the debate and it s just a month away. how far away are you from reaching the 40,000 donor requirement?
who have both been president in our lifetime run and have a full comparison. american to very good with a b choices. and i know thai knt some oow sf the people with desantis and other candidates will say, well, trump has beenen demonizeh and we have a better shot. well, remember when the liberals all liked elonup musk? he speaks up for for free speec. and all of a sudden he s a pariah. it doesn t matte r who the republicans nominate, they re going to go after himgo with the same vicious vigor that they have. and so anybody who thinks anyote of the other republican candidateblicans, wea it ll be a fantasy.itm and everybody just can t waitote for them to get elected,d. no that s not real. oh, now the press is going to savage anyyou re republican nominee, i think, robert , you re absolutely right. cht chris , one of the thingsced that the big donors ar e clearlo concerned about is the focusknow on the cultural issues. i love wha what desantis is doig on the cultural issues. but since th
and i think that this is ouro s moment as a republican party spe to say that weec are the party f free speec dh and open debate. we embrace that because that s what our founding culture as a o country was based on . and when i look at the criticisms that mary williamson and r.f. care leveling against biden, to me,t the dividingma line in this country right now isn t even between democrat crats manag and republicans. it is between the managerial class in this country. erl s coand the everyday citizen. and when you view it that way, i think it makes a lot more sense that biden is representative of the managerialal class class ins country. but i think free speech and open debate, the democratico party would be better off. they re spitting in the face ofr their own base by saying thatche they re not even going to give them the opportunity char who s ine e guyn charge. this is an opportunity forpr the gop. we can practice whattent t we p. i intend to be on that debate t stage. so i telo gol
things like, this videos, shor interactions with crowds that s probably where he doe the best i would probably have joe biden, if i were in the democrati party, advising, and i think i would have them work in th road plans all the time. that s probably where he doe the best work. you see him in the rope lines. you can skip the speec entirely he also love it he loves the interaction wit the crowds keep them safe, keep him in the rope line. dan pfeiffer, kevin, great t talk with you both i was going to say, you silver fox, dan but really, that s kevin you re both so much older than me i ll take the l on that a lot more to get to. thank you, dan new reporting about the ne supreme court justice s fina dealings, raising new question about ethics in the suprem court, and whether those two things actually go together. plus, senator elizabeth warren engaged in a fiery debate toda with another republica colleague engaging in what might best beach turne abortion extortion senator will