which decreases the imminent risk where enemy actions are happening at the point of capture. reporter: this mission, small elite teams of u.s. troops training local forces to fight terror groups is becoming more common. but like many special operations deployments, most americans may not even know it s happening. lester? courtney kube, thank you. up next, with brutal heat and fires leaving americans on nightmare vacations, we look at what you can n do to mininimize the impapact, next.. er strtrokek dudue to afib b not causededy a hearart valve prproblem. soso if there e s a betterr treatmtment than w warfarin.. i m m hungry foror that. eleliquis. eliqiquis reduceces stroke r k bebetter than n warfarin.. and hahas less majajor bleedig thanan warfarin.n. eleliquis has s both. don t t stop takining eliquis withouout talking g to your dor as t this may inincrease your risisk of strokoke. eleliquis can n cause seririoud in rare e cases fatatal bleedi. don t takeke eliquis i if you e a