some of the flags for $2 and anything that s made all money that s made, all money is going to be donated to the veterans in town. steve: you want to do that to send what message? this is a bad picture right there. i want to show the other side of that picture. steve: but you know it is her first amendment right to do that. absolutely. i would never take that away at a selectman s meeting i have a problem with that we get paid for this. steve: well, we are glad you were able to make the trip. 250 miles down to new york city to tell us what happened. yes. steve: keep us posted. thank you. steve: larry maggi thank you very much. thank you i appreciate it. steve: rnc chairman. geraldo rivera and stuart varney all here on this special friday. you are watching fox & friends. this is not a bed.
and tonight we have a special edition of fallback friday. this one is a take over. hey. you know that it is a take over when we cue the air horn. i i am joined by viceland s desus and mero. well, tonight we have do they ever confuse you? no. because trump wanted to brag about the low african-american employment rate which has been on the decline since 2011. we only bring out the air horns on special friday. we feel honored.
special friday, the 100th anniversary of the march on washington, what s the discussion going to be about? the discussion is going to be are we still a nation that recognizes that activism, the african-american experience is crucial to helping america live up to its stated ideals. i think we re still going to have that discussion at the 100th. the next blink. what i would like to see happen is people to recognize that the leadership of african-americans helps us really understand what it means to have a chinese president or hispanic president in 100 years because we are the world s first multi-racial, multi-ethnic democracy and it takes an adjustment and black and white has led that adjustment. we re a melting pot, yet we always identify every color in that pot. that s sort of the challenge we have. lonnie bunch, taylor branch, could go on and on with you two. it would have been great. thank you very much. ahead of tomorrow s 50th