Barcelona, Oct 1 (EFE).- The Netherlands won late on Saturday night the Challenge Cup jumping competition organized by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) at the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona, after beating Australia in a jump-off. In humid conditions, Dutch team leader Jos Lansink chose William Greeve and his horse ‘Highway TN’ to improve …
The FEI jumping director Marco Fuste died on 5 January from heart problems, aged 60. Born in Spain, Mr Fuste had a lifelong love of horses. He worked in a number of different sports, including American football and tennis, before embarking on his equestrian career. Mr Fuste was a former director of showjumping for the […]
Fuste named International Equestrian Federation jumping director Thursday, 31 December 2020
Spain’s Marco Fuste believes he has reached the pinnacle of his career after being named jumping director of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) and now plans to use his position to expand the sport.
Fuste has been director of jumping at the Spanish Equestrian Federation and
Chef d’Equipe of the country’s jumping team since 2006.
He is now set to join FEI on February 1, when he will replace interim jumping director Deborah Riplinger and be tasked with revising the organisation’s jumping rules. To be appointed as FEI director jumping is absolutely my dream job, said Fuste.
IJF Meets ASOIF Target on Further Review Federation Focus 12/23/20
(ATR) A re-evaluation by the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) means the International Judo Federation has now met the governance target score that had previously eluded it.
The IJF requested a re-evaluation after it was ranked in Category C, the lowest level, when the third edition of the governance review was released in June.
The second evaluation took place in October.
“The results received from the ASOIF Governance Task Force confirm that the IJF exceeded the target score of 120 that was set for full members of ASOIF,” the federation said in a statement this week.