Our economies function how we you know greenwash ourselves there has to be a different word for this but were going to come up with that during this episode ok im thinking already ok so you know how there are a lot of prius driving virtue signallers and they always have coexist on the their bumper stickers on the back of their car driving around here in North Carolina driving around the rest of the country would we see this all over the country when weve driven across it twice theyre usually the ones that are most aggressive and nasty and angry drivers who say coexist but they wont coexist with anybody on this road theyre just telling you to let them take the front you know the spot in the in the in the in the path towards the fastest exit so here is another story which is shocking because of how good a lot of people feel about themselves. For recycling indonesias food chain turns toxic as plastic. Waste exports flooded in Plastic Waste exports to Southeast Asia have been implicated in
Bumper stickers on the back of their car driving around here in North Carolina driving around the rest of the country would we see this all over the country when weve driven across it twice theyre usually the ones that are most aggressive and nasty and angry drivers say coexist but they wont coexist with anybody on this road theyre just telling you to let them take the front you know the spot in the in the in the in the path towards the fastest exit so here is another story which is shocking because of how good a lot of people feel about themselves. For recycling indonesias food chain turns toxic as Plastic Waste exports flooded in Plastic Waste exports to Southeast Asia have been implicated in extreme levels of toxins entering the human food chain in indonesia a new study that sampled chicken eggs around. Sites in the country where Plastic Waste accumulates identified alarming levels of dioxins and poly chlorinated by if an els long recognized as extremely injurious to shuman health i
A lot of prius driving virtue signallers and they always have coexist on the their bumper stickers on the back of their car driving around here in North Carolina driving around the rest of the country would we see this all over the country when weve driven across it twice theyre usually the ones that are most aggressive and nasty and angry drivers who say coexist but they wont coexist with anybody on this road theyre just telling you to let them take the front you know the spot in the in the in the in the path towards the fastest exit so here is another story which is shocking because of how good a lot of people feel about themselves. For recycling indonesias food chain turns toxic as Plastic Waste exports flooded in Plastic Waste exports to Southeast Asia have been implicated in extreme levels of toxins. Entering the human food chain in indonesia a new study that sampled chicken eggs around fights in the country where Plastic Waste accumulates identified alarming levels of dioxins and
Im max ties or this is the kaiser report a lot of people in argentina and all over south america Central America been wondering when youre coming down to see us and the answer is very soon very weve got the tickets booked were heading down to argentina were going to have some fabulous steaks down there and were going to be meeting yall were going to have a big love in right max and stacey with a 1000000 of our fans im looking forward to yes were going to argentina uruguay Rio De Janeiro and columbia to hana colombia so if youre out there and you know when it comes to maybe do some meet ups down there definitely one of stories i know ones being organized around the big Queen Community so you know the fact that were going to be in argentina just happens to coincide with their financial collapse usually a financial collapse and chaos to follow is max kaiser arriving this one is signaling your arrival imminent time learning of a time. You know which is pretty cool watching the last time go
Making money charles we came out of the gate strong but stocks hard to find their feeding when the white house is considering limiting chinese participation in stocks. Steve moore and heather zumarriaga. Steve moore, i think its a bad idea. I know some of these are flaky names on here but to reverse this right now, were talking about one trillion dollars worth of stocks on u. S. Exchanges. Yeah. I was caught by surprise. I didnt know this was coming, charles. I think everybody is a little bit surprised by it. I think what it signifies, i think the reason the market has reacted negatively that trump is tightening the screws here. Instead of getting a deescalation in the trade tensions, unfortunately looks like were seeing further escalation. My view, as soon as you get a trade deal the American Economy and stock market go through the roof. That is it what everybody is waiting for. This is meant to tighten the screws on beijing, get them to come back to the bargaining table to make a dea