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Our economies function how we you know greenwash ourselves there has to be a different word for this but were going to come up with that during this episode ok im thinking already ok so you know how there are a lot of prius driving virtue signallers and they always have coexist on the their bumper stickers on the back of their car driving around here in North Carolina driving around the rest of the country would we see this all over the country when weve driven across it twice theyre usually the ones that are most aggressive and nasty and angry drivers who say coexist but they wont coexist with anybody on this road theyre just telling you to let them take the front you know the spot in the in the in the in the path towards the fastest exit so here is another story which is shocking because of how good a lot of people feel about themselves. For recycling indonesias food chain turns toxic as plastic. Waste exports flooded in Plastic Waste exports to Southeast Asia have been implicated in extreme levels of toxins entering the human food chain in indonesia a new study that sampled chicken eggs around sites in the country where Plastic Waste accumulates identified alarming levels of dioxins and poly chlorinated by if an els long recognized as extremely injurious to shuman health in one location the level of dioxins and eggs collected near an indonesian factory that burns plastics for fuel were similar to levels in eggs collected near the notorious agent orange hot spot and b. N. Vietnam which is considered one of the most dioxin contaminated locations on earth so its a war zone and indonesia thanks to our virtue signaling here. Its almost hard to have any response at all because. What this implies is. Extinction an extinction event for humans and its tough to talk about but we see it happening in indonesia its already on the tip of the spear and itll itll be rolled out globally within our lifetime so its tough a few things 1st of all this is the truth of what happened to china china is the one the band plastics imports into their own country because there are an emerging economy they are the very wealthy and now they have a huge middle class the middle class were sick of their children dying and getting sick so they said enough get out and these all this plastic that we hear when were driving our prius in our hybrid s. U. V. We feel good about ourselves and how good we are and how wholesome and pure we are and the fact is were sending your directly responsible for this death these deaths these malformed and deformed babies that are being born here in indonesia is caused directly because of this and they the article talks about the fact that in indonesia 1st you know they sent all this plastic there they were like literally like whole town we get swept away by plastic there would be plastic piled up in all the streets the alleys outside peoples homes and then they started to burn it in order to clear it away and all the dioxins are released into the air but also you know a large part of whats going on over there was that remember we said lake erie or the erie canal remember that how toxic it was the hudson river the hudson river is now pristine and you have whales going up there which suggests that there is you know all the little micro ingredients that they eat and they and they rely and so were cleaning up by scent the fact is that we sent all our manufacturing over there which is what is causing the destruction over there right i mean theres though alternative than universal cooperation to solve the problem of humanity. As humanity is approached and they pecks predatory on planet earth that is like you know if you put a certain number of rats on an island they will cannibalize each other until there is no more rats so the population of 7000000000 growing humans on planet earth are getting to the point now where birth cannibalizing each other this pollution problem is socially human countable cannibalisation. I mean the point is also that we you know we have cognitive dissonance as a as a species were able to pretend things dont exist so were able to pretend there are no consequences to our choices by sending it overseas when most people wont read this article most people how will never go to vietnam or indonesia or any of these places where the plastics are being dumped they wont see that this is any sort of its not their pile plastic that they recycled their pile plastic was whole some of the same thing with the fact that we no longer have a real economy we are we in this explosion and derivatives and debt and wheres that where we could be like you know believe were the winners and all those people out there complaining or the deplorable Something Else but my point is this because of this belief in the otherness yes of people divided by race religion creed class class and its a few refusal to accept that we are all one were just all equal were all the same the framers of the constitution try to introduce this idea as a codified way to govern a people but its been destroyed over the years and nothing like that exists anymore and now were left with this. Warring lord of the flies to give you a good literary metaphor there you know they land on the island and the kids turn go tribal and they start killing each other and this is what the humanity unfortunately is at the end game so hillary said america is already great where the indispensable people we are the good guys always right so here we have our results the actual consequences of our own life choices here our own lifestyle is this toxic food chain in indonesia and they are the other we dont care about their deaths and the fact that their children are being born with genetic defects then there was a tweet this week from a doctor we want to show the actual photo but he showed a photo of a of a baby who died at birth and was severely deformed with genetic mutations where was it for lucia so george w. Bush bombed the iraqi city of flu shot with depleted uranium in 2415 years later pollution has the highest rate of birth defects in the world higher than hiroshima and nagasaki after the us stopped atom bombs on them and that was taken from a headline from a few years ago toxic legacy of us assault on fallujah worse and. So theyve had a dramatic increase in from were taliban still to this day 21000 this baby was born severely deformed these are the consequences of george w. Bush by the way good friends with elon who is part of the resistance here you know we want to return to the good guys were told george w. Bush was the good guy were told like his wars were fine this baby being deformed like. What does ellen have to say about this child as a direct result of the depleted uranium dropped on full lucia. Right well look theres no cure for runaway greed and war industry is based on greed and that greed is based on this rush to cumulate as much paper wealth as possible even though its genuine well thought actual money its not gold like a warren buffet just hoards of money like an old granny would hoard phone books that doesnt credible damage because of inculcates into the population this notion of holy greed which is supports the Defense Industry which then goes to full lucia and creates deformed babies in the maim of profit this is in order to maintain our lifestyles we want the free flow of energy of oil supplies thats what the argument was right when and there you know theres a whole episode over who was pushing for the iraq war and why they wanted to go in there and why they wanted to maybe keep the oil reserves away from china but it remember how it was sold to the American People we you know the indispensable people who are righteous and good hearted like we recycle our stuff we wear where we drive priuss where progressive and forward thinking we coexist right house sold afghanistan iraq we were going to liberate the women help the women help the children and the women well researchers found a 38 fold increase in leukemia and for lucia a 10 fold increase in female Breast Cancer and significant increases in lymphoma and brain tumors in adults at hiroshima survivors showed a 700. 00 fold increase in leukemia but in flu shot dr busby says what is striking is not only the greater prevalence of cancer but the speed with which it was affecting people so they are consequences are coming faster faster address and you may have think you may like console yourself that you supported the iraq war because you liberated women but. Here you gave them cancer coming on at a rapid increasing pace so right ok i still maintain a striven unfettered greed for worthless paper which is tragic this is the tragic part of the story and anyone whos concerned about the survivor ability of humanity as we all should needs to sit down with a friend or a stranger or a loved one and do nothing for an hour but occupy the space of each other and that is normally satisfying you dont need to buy a lamborghini you dont need to start a war you dont need to go buy another company you dont need to accumulate 100000000000. 00 just sit with another person for an hour quietly say nothing and you wont you will you will be cured and i want to also point out that we always talk about the projection from our elite class what theyre actually doing and we noticed recently theyre saying that chinas going to target genetically specific individuals namely americans well of particular significance in flu shot was the finding that the sex ratio between newborn boys and girls had changed and a normal population that is 1050 boys born to 1000 girls but for those born from 22005 there was an 18 percent drop and male birth so the ratio was 850 males to 1000 females this is something similar to what happened after hiroshima got the word green vandalize green vandalised green vandalize watch out for it hey were going to take a break when we come back much more coming your way. In the fischel for russia is most of the sump is doing the probably will not. I still see the contrary to his predecessors he did not start a new war so probably it is it is a little bit safer and more predictable in these perspectives on the other hand all the world is changing it is achievable in force and come on its not supposedly mr trump who is making the dangers place hes just the symptom of the change thats. Always still got us into tight haven t. Thats who couldnt sneak. On to. The overtones are cool if you screwed up the you. Could want to think about getting out of your canadian each you want to look at them as though. You didnt have them to read too much haha good to be a good tone could fall under your thumb to get those people to fail when im in the good children tell them with all thats unfair when next time you dont come for the marketing. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to Joel Benjamin over there in london joe welcome back im x. All right listen joe another building this time Student Housing has gone up in flames thanks to whats called flammable cladding tell us whats happened but 1st for our International Audience put this latest fire in the context of this ongoing issue in the u. K. Joel. Sure so as you say last friday there was a major fire in Student Accommodation up and vote and. As you point out it was caused or at least exacerbated by flammable cladding on the outside of the building and if you sort of video see if it was flames leaping up the exterior of the boating hundreds of students had to be evacuated and thankfully in this case there were no fatalities even though a couple of paper which phrase that it is saying why Emergency Services so we had around about 200 firefighters trying to tackle this blaze. And this of course comes just 2 and a half years off the great intro tallit tragedy we have 72 people who lost their lives and there was again a result of flame of clothing on the exterior of a child lock and which of course lead to widespread codes by fire fights is a boating safety experience for the removal of this little material from towel blocks and raise into areas which has yet to occur right and approximately how many other buildings are there and what this problem. What the note is about 400. 00 towers which have various types of flu. As things stand the spain funding provided by government. Sort of clothing from a number of these voting the focus on laci to the publicly arent child locks and as things stand they private landlords who have betting plumes are yet to address and remove this material right so the firm responsible for the cladding on the ground felt our which killed 72. 00 people as you point out there is an american kompany there if using to release any documents whats happening here joe yes so theres been a legal case brought by families of the victims which is trying to force the Company Involved conic to provide publicly released information relevant to the inquiry as youre probably aware the is this an ongoing series of inquiries here in the u. K. This is a separate legal action quite a lot smaller families and as i understand the company our critic is trying to resist releasing information slicing some obscure french law to try and block information being taken by the families right now thats right it seems like our precious of an awful lot of rights these days more so than actual humans and that sames to be the trend Going Forward now a headline from the b. B. C. A raid quote nodding Shire Council borrows 18000000 pounds to pay a toxic 10000000 pound loan so joelle borrowing 18000000 to pay down 10000000 that doesnt sound like a good idea whats going on here. Right so yeah look local authorities across the u. K. And the hundreds of bain turning to banks the bar instead of from government this isnt pop the cause of success and chances like George Osborne make it out officially expensive for local authorities Town Councils to borrow from government so ive been sitting to banks like the s. Who have baying stitching them up with their relatives. Chains and hunted in some cases hundreds of millions of pounds from these banks what they thought were attractive Interest Rates which has since exploded with out many of these councils paying more than 7 percent Interest Rates when government rates are close to 0 and so what the counts is now being forced to do is to pay extra breakage phase to extract themselves from these lines so as you point out on a 10000000. 00 pound line. That the council may have to refinance situated Something Like 18000000 pounds to extract itself from these Financial Products from banks like i. B. S. And i having to go again cap in hand to government to borrow to do this. Right so as you mentioned there the bank involved is r. B. S. The royal bank of scotland of course r. B. S. Is own block thats x. Paris part of the bell out after a. Kerfuffle back there in 2008 once again shaking down the very people who own the bank as they of course are they also own the Global Restructuring group are georgi what you are scott smashing and grabbing Small Businesses that they have main loans to as a way to force them into bankruptcy and to acquire assets for pennies on the dollar that they may resold themselves to another division at a profit so r. B. S. And im surprised theyre still ransacking the nation and involved in somewhat skullduggery and joel is other regulated. Well its a very good question i think what we can say is that i guess theres a common same between brief green protests are in this kind of post and fire and what were seeing in the banking states is i guess that you know that the toxic social affairs of deregulation so in the case of grand hotel we saw deregulation all boating safety so rather than local authorities ceasing the rules and during enforcement we private Companies Like clinic failed to install the appropriate. Fire retardant cladding on buildings the u. K. Has come up with a great idea of leasing Building Companies so free to go out and so sit a fly the buildings a safe and of course as we found out with. The tragic consequence of course i dont say similarly in the banking sit there with heads you know its too big to fail banks given the power to affect to be see it through and regulation we have the financial conduct to authority in the u. K. Which refuses to reflate the financial state. Sees that the widespread criminality is going on in the same side. So we can we have to replace its getting a wind. Wide scale crime and misconduct and if an agency in a course on the losing end of these scenarios is the text im probably right so fill me in on another dimension to this and that would be in the media space so the media space in britain its dominated by the b. B. C. In the broadcast space its a broadcast base you also have channel 4 and i t. V. So that pretty much is 90 percent of all the t. V. Broadcasting in the print space you have on the conservative side youve got the telegraph and the Financial Times i suppose and then on the left or liberal side supposedly mind might argue maybe not so much but you have the guardian and other papers so. What how does is our media attack like this the b. B. C. Cover these stories in any vigorous way for example r. B. S. As you indicate there. Its similar here in the United States to recently was discovered that j. P. Morgan is involved in iraq a tiering which is an organized crime statute referring to their. Conspiracy to rake prices in various a markets and sun the prosecution of j. P. Morgan has now entered the criminal phase if anything like this going on in the u. K. Well look i think its fair to say that the media have attempted to cover some of the scandal as you mention likes the globe Restructuring Group it obvious there has been a regular kind of drip drip of stories. I guess what i would say is that what the what the media havent done is a tape that in any way whatsoever to connect the dots between these broad scale trains i mean shows like deregulation of Financial Services. With the impact which is wide scale criminal activity in the financial and banking say it seems that here in the u. K. And effect that this is a direct consequence of political decisions taken by u. K. Political parties ive been decades to effectively remove. The Banking System from the rule of law and so what you have is. Acting completely outside of a local. Strip business is in the thousands destroying the lives of. In many cases successful businesspeople and in turn around it if they tell him is there follow they did something wrong and theres nobody to get out of now i guess what the b. B. C. Has been doing is guy running taking individual stories and keeping these in the media keeping people thinking about. This issue what they havent you know what it is to. Provide that the weight of coverage if you like to ensure this becomes a political issue which people can name sort of iceland to change a little. Spain i guess yes very much afraid means it responds to these sorts of scandals and as you point out part of that is because many of them are the majority of the newspapers here in the u. K. Which of states of really good baby sages rip strips coverage are in what kind of right wing corporate interests to these be honest have no. Commission interest in exposing that the sheer weight of criminality which goes on and Financial Services and person writes. The the idea that the financial crimes are victimless crimes is something they hear often in the mainstream British Press that well after all these are victimless crimes but what were saying here is that its not a victimless crime but let me ask you this finally you are eidetic campaigner your thoughts on global debt passing 255 trillion dollars yeah this is scary number of course you know its not going to mean a lot to the average person but i think what we can kind of the juice from this is an increasingly Global Growth and a cycle of how for the Global Economy is inherently linked so you ever increasing amounts of corporate and primarily the ones that also did so people going into debt to maintain last i was a consumption mean when we know in person wages have stagnated for the last decade we havent seen any any kind of wage growth and the way people square that circle is going to the bank which the peddling to and being sort of forced the borrower so i mean what we really need to see is a return to people being paid an enormous wage they can go out and buy the things they made without being reliance on banks and sort of payday lenders to its a through the gap and then if i take it right so hes the Rating Agency has downgraded planet earth apparently no debt anywhere is worth anything anymore. How do you feel about that. You know to me its this a natural consequence of having a system where people are basically forced to bari to continue to exist. You know they produce they will sit well on earning enough money to to make ends meet by going deeper into debt. Governments have also been as as i was saying last decade cutting back on public spending through austerity and this we see a fundamental rethink or greg motto these trains are going to take only going to continue and were going to see you know if a higher rates of corporate and household was overseas. Job benjamin thanks so much being on the kaiser report thats going to do it for this episode of guys reply with may max kaiser stay sara thanks to i guess once again john badger man if you are a just on twitter its guys reports like. Young elephants have come to. My space lee brutal putting incidents because sadly the baby elephants often do see them as. Killed but also. I do believe the elephant smile i see its a nice little months. To express some changes. In the. Thinking of getting a cute puppy. In this tiny little wired you dont need a crate with him he will. Freaking out and he wont want to bring him anywhere near. Breeding dogs or caged in conditions on puppy i mean 67 years you know they have. Locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. Because you. Know its ok. Across the u. S. Crude puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from this large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a good businesses are involved like cargill and mom santa there has been a shocking amount of the organizing opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs dont buy dog on a. Nobody living here yet them belong to the soup of us the fits all of them most need input a monument can you still cool the follow screen blues lucy disco granny. He thought the most memorable still but the fish are good for him for much is the feeling about him all for normal which. You. Donna suspects ill and dons of the videos of those that you post will be sure the message will. Be with the infant daughter one who became dr no looking in on the op the. Doc with the collar to discard will the still fall much of the body. A man suspected of stabbing 2 people to death in the british capital has revealed. Previous conviction for terrorist. Suspects in another study in the. Us democrat strategists who work for barack obama are accused of creating fake local news in a bid to sway the 2020 lection in crucial swing states. And germany declares that the crisis is officially over though new figures suggest integrating the country hasnt been the greatest of success

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