Week yeah. This is the expiration day so what happens is you actually its tomorrow, but people are trying to prep it what happens is rusty braziel explains to me, the rollover from the may contract to june occurs tomorrow. The reason that happens is because the may futures price converges with cash and expiration so in other words, youre looking at what the real price is its not the futures price so what happens is that imagine if youre producing at 32 a barrel, 33 a barrel like occidental, thats just youre hurting nobody can make any money at these prices rusty points out that after seeing this, the next month, it might go to zero and thats i think a lot of it is because where will you put it maybe keep it in the ground. It is extraordinary and jarring. And i think its causing the decline. Carl, whats so amazing, it was completely predictable thats why maybe the decline isis really overdone if its based on oil if its based on other factors, i dont know it looks like oil is bringing th
New numbers that are out every thursday. That, i want into to Say Something at the outset. We have heard from many hoosiers across the state of indiana. There islly understand no more spiritually important week for many believers that than the week we find ourselves in. I personally am comforted by the saysin matthew 18 20, it where two or three are gathered together, their mi. It is a powerful reminder it is two or three, not 200 our 300 or 2000 or 3000. It is emphasizing its the church body, not the building, no matter how architecturally awesome or beautiful that structure may be. Body and the relationship with the higher above that is most important. My jewish friends, passover started yesterday. Christians, another important today. Todays is the day jesus put a andl around his waist washed the feet of his disciples. I would submit it is time to wash some feet without touching them. It is time for our families and our neighbors to stay safe. It is time to serve them in this way to
Hoosiers. Ternoon, thank you for joining us on this thursday afternoon. Medicalhear some updates, testing, case numbers. We will also hear from the commissioner of the department of Workforce Development in some new numbers that are out every thursday. That, i want into to Say Something at the outset. We have heard from many hoosiers across the state of indiana. There islly understand no more spiritually important week for many believers that than the week we find ourselves in. I personally am comforted by the saysin matthew 18 20, it where two or three are gathered together, their mi. It is a powerful reminder it is two or three, not 200 our 300 or 2000 or 3000. It is emphasizing its the church body, not the building, no matter how architecturally awesome or beautiful that structure may be. Body and the relationship with the higher above that is most important. My jewish friends, passover started yesterday. Christians, another important today. Todays is the day jesus put a andl around
The phone lines are open. We are splitting them up by region. We have a line set aside for medical professionals. Good wednesday evening. Thank you for joining us. As the Senate Continues to debate, you can watch that live on cspan2. We want to get the latest from Johns Hopkins university. Across the world, 21,000 that d eaths. Here in the u. S. , the epicenter is new york city. We are joined by a doctor from the cleveland clinic. To go to this map from the new york times. On march 1, new york city had one case. How has the spread so quickly so rapidly . Influenza, where you can pass the infection from yourself to maybe one other person, this coronavirus can be spread more easily. You have doubled the amount of people you can exposed to this virus. As dense and population as new york, obviously so many more people can get exposed. Then we have transportation, Airlines Flying people to all different parts of the country. Virus can easily spread to all parts of the country. Host we know
He recently had the opportunity to travel to seoul where he addressed the korean Abraham Lincoln society. I know id like to hear more about that. How can i get on that gravy train . Today he will talk to us about his new book, the black heavens. Abraham lincoln and death which was published earlier this year by Southern Illinois university press. A review at civil war monitors states, students of the 16th president will want to add this concise thoughtprovoking and sensitively written volume to their bookshelves. Please welcome me in joining please join me in welcoming brian dark. Hello everybody its great to be here. I want to thank you for the invitation. Ive gotten to see some old friends, among many my come pinion in korea, fred. We had fun. Meaning lots of wonderful people. You are heroes, everybody in this room is a hero to a group of students at Anderson University who are going to get tomorrow off because i am here. They love the lincoln form. They are like doctor dirk. How fun