politics could benefit brazil s evangelical movement evangelicals are the countries fastest growing religious group for some years the movement has been seeking an ever greater foothold in brazil s political institutions many evangelicals believe the time is ripe for taking over the reins of government was anyone who governs in the name of god will always give their best for the children of god that s why we hope that our religious parliamentary group will gain in strength i ll mention around a quarter of all brazilians now identify as evangelical in two thousand and sixteen and evangelical pastor was elected mayor of rio de janeiro brazil second largest city marcello crewe bella once described roman catholics as demons and he has called homosexuality a terrible evil most of his support comes from the residents of the huge favelas in the north of rio bangkok evangelical and evangelical congressional group now has
the nearby city of boat i was already being touted as the new capital of brazil s oil miracle the mayor now says those promises were worthless. a populist on the win timeline is this a cheap way to put people can no longer stomach these politicians with their empty promises that killing people rio is now brazil s most violent federal state the lava jato investigations are very important it s our opportunity to build an. new reality for ourselves as you wish that all my mother had it died. on tonio coddles is a welder he came here eight years ago like tens of thousands of other workers he hoped to benefit from the coming boom.
widespread corruption has depleted public funds and the cost of fighting this corruption is also high the federal government in brasilia has come to a near standstill the president and many of his ministers are devoting all their energy to defending themselves against the judiciary brazil is virtually paralyzed urgent reforms have been postponed ordinary citizens have less and less faith in their government. many are resting their hopes on general elections scheduled for october two thousand and eighteen but transparency international is skeptical. there is no assurance that what comes next is going to be better than what we have now and the problem is that we haven t developed. a political culture or an i read new off our political culture we haven t three new of our political leadership we create these void and then what s going to fulfill it is populism out or a tear in ism and this back wall in this. type of politics this type of
de janeiro has been particularly hard hit the city had hoped that it would reap enormous benefits from the world cup and the summer olympic games but that never materialized the olympic park is deserted in twenty sixteen many olympic events took place here today it s arenas are taking. pollo mellow is the president of brazil s olympic governance heritage authority the plan to privatized the olympic venues has failed virtually nothing has gone according to plan not even the scheduled this assembly. dallas it s a mall the sports hall was supposed to be dismantled and then reassembled in pots and for schools but the city of rio which is responsible for the project doesn t have the funds and i ll see if i see it as. rio did derives some benefits from the games for example the modern light rail system the expansion of the subway network
a story of political intrigue and corruption rivaling anything that s ever come out of hollywood. del town delane you re all the lead prosecutor in operation carwash was appalled over the last we already knew that brazil was riddled with corruption . knowing that a monster exists is one thing but looking not monster in the face is something else it was shocking use facets of what. investigators uncovered an insidious web of bribes and backroom agreements. at first the investigators were astonished at how deeply the country s political and business elite were implicated in the dealings. s.l. but also into it s the biggest anti corruption investigation in the history of brazil and the world we re talking about repayment obligations that s unprecedented or the british investing so these repayments on the largest that have ever been incurred